
Yes, drain the noodles, and let them sit while you put butter in the still-warm pot. Turn the stovetop back on to melt the butter, then add milk (less milk than the box recommends), then the cheese. Stir until blended, then add the noodles.

If only I took cooking healthy foods this seriously.

And frankly, this shit has been discussed a lot. Like, a LOT a lot. What the fuck does he think historians DO with their time? THEY FUCKING DISCUSS WHY SHIT HAPPENED THE WAY IT DID.

shiplap is soon to be (if not already) the new paneling that people will be ripping out and dry walling in the next 5-10 years...

It doesn’t surprise me that he would respond this way. He’s seems incredibly immature just looking at his interaction with Jo on the show. He is, along with the overwhelming amount of fucking shiplap she uses for every remodel, the reason I don’t watch the show. She’s fine on her own. He’s an overgrown infant

lol i’m so sorry i missed that 2005 episode of the daily show

“This was clearly a hilarious comedy, you just didn’t get the jokes.” - Jeff Sessions

Greatest fun fact about musical genius ever: The song “Purple Rain” is a recording of a LIVE PERFORMANCE.

Remember when Obama wore a tan suit and they pissed their pants with rage at the “disrespect?”

I want to pass away

To be fair only children are almost unanimously either spoilt or weird.

It really is a thing of beauty, this response. With just a trace of shade (“I really appreciate that other people do”), like nutmeg in a risotto.

“Some of my best friends have children.”

That’s kind of shitty to say that about Heard. Having an abusive husband doesn’t make you bad at marriage.

It all came out ok in the end and we’ve certainly made our peace with it all. But you know, sometimes it isn’t a choice but a set of circumstances foisted on you. It royally pisses me off when people assume (which happens WAY more often than one would expect) somehow I’m less an adult because I can’t grow up enough

I’ve told the longer story elsewhere on Jezebel but the short of it is my wife almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. We generally fall back on “well we tried but God tried to kill my wife so I figure its out of our hands. Take it up with him.”

The Dissipation is the hottest part:

Me, defiantly:

Hmmmm... doesn’t sound like your standard Catholic school. I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic elementary school and we were definitely taught evolution. Douching with Coke sounds like your run-of-the-mill adolescent sex ed though...

I mean, this person did seriously date an abusive mime, so ...

Honestly, who the fuck expects to build a life with a farm owning mime who takes himself seriously, beats dogs and has jealousy and anger issues? Are you insane?