As Fyre said, “Lets just do it and be legends, man”
As Fyre said, “Lets just do it and be legends, man”
I didn’t even think about the Judd obsession with parenthood-good catch. I was honestly shocked that the last scene of the series wasn’t going to be Hannah getting an abortion-I thought Lena would be all for that. the whole “had a baby now I have to grow up” trope is so tired.
Commenting again at the risk of now looking like a stan but I don’t understand why all the comments are so rude. This is a fun, light-hearted, self deprecating podcast which honestly is a breath of fresh considering the shit storm we live in. Its dumb news and thats the point so if you really are looking for high brow…
This is a perfect explanation of whats happening and should be in the original article.
That is...bonkers. I really enjoyed the episode, and laughed way too hard at Bobby making a case for Wolverine’s foreskin...a sentence I never expected to type. The Kerrigan/Harding story is INSANE-a plot right out of a lifetime movie and the exhibit sounded hilarious.
Its so weird that this had brought about some of the angriest comments I’ve seen on Jezebel.
About three minutes in I turned to my husband and said “As if I didn’t already know, its clear Vanessa is going to win. The whole storyline is that he might get rejected, and they are setting her up to POSSIBLY reject him.” It was so obvious and although I like the show for the ridiculousness of it all, I really do…
SAME. There’s an older man on the staff that treats me like his daughter. Its so patronizing and offensive given that I have been on the staff longer than he has and have had a lot more success in my classes. I literally just stay away from him because he enrages me!
The man dated one of the most famous singers in the world, one who is known to reference boyfriends in song, put a tattoo of her on his arm and a shirt that declared his love and frolicked in the fucking ocean for cameras. It was bonkers and its crazy that he ever thought it wouldn’t haunt him.
Take as much time to grieve as you need. Much love to you and your family.
I teach in a low income area, so striking is out of the question for me. I need to be present to offer stability and consistency, and also to support a school that creates opportunities for my students. The lesson plans don’t work as well for high school, but I’m hoping to integrate the strike in discussions.
Oh for Pete’s sake, its called DIRTBAG for a reason. I’m sure Bobby is hard at work on a KING KONG think piece though.
Big Hero 6 was lovely. Lets fight.
Its amazing how mean people are about balding (in my observations, women especially). My husband has been losing hair since early 20s and there is nothing he can do about it. There is stuff you can take but it has pretty nasty side effects. And then god forbid you try to do any hair transplant because people will tear…
I don’t know...there are plenty of women on these shows that are in emotionally abusive relationships that stay with their man to keep up appearances/its just too hard to leave. I mean think of Taylor Armstrong....
Yes definitely! It is different and I don’t think it was a setup for him to freak out. It felt more like the producers being like, “yeah we’re leaning into this.”
yes yes yes! I’ve always read Vanessa as a little fake..she seems way too in touch and smart for some of the things she does on the show (for example: bouncing up and down on the boat and yelling CHRISTMASSS! when Nick asked favorite holiday) and I think she’s playing the game well. Her family seemed to confirm…
I was inconsolable. I loved the movie but I can’t even recommend it to people without a strict warning.
omg I cried through Miss You like an insane person. It was so tough.
Her saying “everything is different. IT IS.” rings an alarm for me. Its not...thaaat different (at least for me and my friends). If you are putting that much pressure on the fact that you have a legally binding paper then that could cause some tension. In my case, I maintained my independence in a way that made me…