

I dig them. Don’t give into the hate! I like the slam poetry styles and their liver performances are crazy

Katie. Is. A. Blob.

It was posted 5 minutes ago...

Agreed. This weekend a facebook friend (ugh) posted about how he was in a car crash and dedicated the entire post praising his wife for coming to get him and help out. Like, that’s kind of what you signed up for when you MARRY a person.

Um what? At no point am I blaming Kim. I feel sad for her that she clearly does not feel comfortable with her husband and their marriage is a lot more strained than they let on. Its not her job to babysit him.

I realize that Kim has public appearances that fuel her career but honestly how are you that out of the loop that you don’t know that your husband is on the brink of a meltdown? It really shows that most of time she stays the heeeellll away from him. Probably best for the kids.

My aunt own an antique shop and many customers visit the Magnolia Farm empire they have there. All of them report the farm and silos are gorgeous but they are in the middle of smoke stacks and rundown Kmarts. I get the impression is a struggling area-but you never see that on the show.

Most people disagreeing, but I see your point. And even some comments, calling 26 year olds “children”...I get that your life perspective changes, but it can be patronizing to hear. People can be incredibly rude about making major life decisions in your 20s. Some decisions I made in my 20s were the best yet (some were

Right! I don’t like the message she’s sending her daughters. She’s making it all about her and her strength and staying with their dad...I think there are already a lot of women who stay in shitty relationships..so if they are going to be that open why not emphasis the changes their father made and what’s expected of

ugh just realized divorce already announced. apologies for yelling.

he is. just accept it.

I really feel like that slapped person looks a little bit too much like Lipstick Saleswoman Kylie Jenner...

That guy was awful. I didn’t get “LOL silly rich white man” vibes, I got like, abusive vibes. The way he was staring at her. eesh.

This is too real. On the other side of this, there are many teachers that teach in low income, high crime neighborhoods that choose to not live where they teach, requiring quite the commute. Its rough.

daaaamn its just a joke.

Oh I know, I didn’t mean she looks bad herself. The picture angle makes her back look so odd and muscular. It threw me off!

That is the worst picture of Chrissy I have ever seen.

yep. I mean I’ve tried a few other knockoff apps but their is the most helpful and accurate in my opinion.

It is! Although I look like a crazy person in the stores. But lets say you are looking for a protein bar...you can use the scanner for a few and find out which one is actually the best for you.