BMW 760. You can get an E65 under 10 years old for well under $30k and the N73B60 engine doesn’t have a whole lot of issues as far as I know.
BMW 760. You can get an E65 under 10 years old for well under $30k and the N73B60 engine doesn’t have a whole lot of issues as far as I know.
This is why you are a professional car buyer and Doug went to Emory
Thanks for the update Stephen. Personally, Gawker and Jezz can burn, but you guys, Jalop, Giz and Dead are needed. Hope everything comes out well on the other side.
Thanks to everyone who keeps reading and supporting Kotaku. We love you all.
I bought a 2000 S four years ago. My wife has used it as her DD ever since. Had to replace they air-oil separator about a year into ownership and the alternator shortly thereafter. Both repairs took a couple of hours and some blood sacrifice, nothing outrageous. Other than that it has required nothing more than…
And yet somehow you’re the asshole if you so much as ask others to consider the idea of privilege.
2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because…
Agreed. I like the new R8 as I liked the last one, but I was hoping for a much bigger change. Think 430 > 458. Now that was a redesign.
2013 CTS-V
I read this article, which is a gentle warning and all I got from it was:
Best looking 7 series ever produced.
Mmmm... the older it gets, the better looking the E38 gets.
I drive a manual with a stage 2 twin plate racing clutch and adjustable clutch pedal set to a very high engagement point, I've seen seasoned mechanics repeatedly stall when trying to move my car.
A MkIV Jetta? This could be the most expensive “free” car in history...
I’ve seen this Craigslist scam before.