Right. This is her exact quote about it from the Nerdist podcast. She doesn’t say it wasn’t him but she EXPLICITLY takes Jez to task for setting the internet mob on it.
Especially when another male comedian admitted it was him (Doug Stanhope). There could be two, but...
I’m pretty sure Jen Kirkman explicitly denied that it was about CK, which seems like a big omission considering how pissed she was at you all for tying her to CK in the first place.
Is anyone else slightly disturbed that we all just decided to accept Louis CK is a sex offender based on random, unrelated stories about random, unrelated comics acting creepy?
There’s always someone on posts like this talking about thrifty (i.e. superior) they were at their wedding but I’ve got you all beat: not getting married saves SO much money!
Wow, Sixty five grand really buys a lot of tacky overly ornate bullshit, huh? Guess these kids don’t need to worry about student loans, a down payment on a house or all the usual stuff a twenty-something generally would be concerned about.
“Right, I’d have no problem with that article in a magazine that’s for middle school aged kids.”
It isn't a rumor, she has been forthright about it. But I fail to see how that has any bearing on him cheating on her over thirty years later. She slept with Randy while just beginning a relationship with Ozzy, who was still married to someone else at the time. Sharon also told Ozzy the day after it happened and he…
Could it be purely coincidental that the skinny girls come off okay in your story, but the bigger girl doesn’t?
Mace—yes. Unless you’re pretty strong and the dog is pretty weak/small, a stick might just make it angrier and defensive. A whistle probably wouldn’t do much for an aggressive dog either. Mace is the way to go.
Depending on one’s perspective, it’s also possible to view it as “Wouldn’t have been born.” Not everyone believes life begins at conception. For instance, I’ve miscarried twice (10 and 11 weeks). I do not consider either scenario as a dead child. Some women might.
I still crank My Body the Hand Grenade in my car. That live version of “Asking For It” is a goddamned gut-punch. I’d listen to Live Through This except it’s scratched to hell. And my stupid 2004 car does not have an auxiliary jack.
Almost certainly no harm? It’s what you want to gamble with for sure, your unborn child.
But seriously, folks, alcohol during pregnancy is no joke and should not be dismissed as moralistic hang wringing. There can be serious disruptions to the fetal development (especially in early pregnancy) and there’s no “safe” amount — every woman and every pregnancy is different.
The idea that we could control the process beyond the most basic level seems adorably quaint and naive in retrospect.
Here’s a little secret not all parents share because it feels wrong: You might not feel anything for your new baby when you meet him or her at first.