Post Raphaelite

The guy who shot several people (all with foreign roots) over here in Munich was of Iranian descent and believed himself to be “indo-aryan” which never kept the right wingers from labeling him “a muslim”.
It’s your standard variety person running amok - quiet young man, probably a history of mental problems,

Totally agree with you on “putting out articles that aren’t funny/interesting.” Jezebel used to have a voice and an angle, a sense of editorial purpose, and I feel like that has been missing lately (last year or so, maybe more?). I look back at some of the writers who have come through here—Lindy West, Erin Gloria

I second what others have said: the quality of content is not great. There are only so many articles I can tolerate about how awful Trump et al are.

The articles have felt lackluster lately. I am just so burnt out by trump (and honestly the republican party as a whole) that I can’t even really muster up any outrage

Te eternally Grey’s thank you for that.

This. I never cared about being grey (forever) but now it’s a thing.

Kinja is a fickle bitch lately. I’ve been having trouble getting stuff to post. Also, it’s been made harder to see the grey comments.I’ve been grey for 2 years but I never minded. I’ve had some good conversations when people actually could see my comment. Now, between the technical issues and the “second classing” me,

It’s a vicious cycle I think. Everyone has mentioned kinja and the greys, but I think also people are sick of the trump articles and also they are putting out articles that aren’t funny, interesting or anything really. They still get a fair amount of comments on some articles, that are more interesting, I just don’t

It’s not your imagination.

BTW, your profile gif is how I feel every single fucking day these days.

Ha! The joke’s on you, I have NO life!

Can you post thirty more times letting us know the same thing?

I kinda feel like child protective services should have been called before publishing this. It’s clear this girl is being abused... and maybe just maybe there needs to be responsible adults looking out for her welfare before she ends up dead in an overdose as a Jane Doe.

With Kanye you shouldn’t call it a boycott. That will just feed into his persecution complex. For Kanye I really like the “mute” wording. I’m not boycotting you. I’ve just forgotten you exist completely.

Seriously! I feel like people who seem really outgoing and friendly often suffer from anxiety. Because 1) those are totally unrelated things but, also, 2) sometimes you get really anxious about not being friendly or nice enough and then hurting people’s feelings. Sometimes it’s a symptom of anxiety rather than

I absolutely abhor when a guy makes a woman’s shining moment about himself — and to do it in the name of “love” is even more loathsome. Who cares about her career when your love is the real prize, right, guy? UGH. Like that guy who interrupted his GF’s presentation of her work on the Today Show to propose!

I saw a guy on Twitter today calling for the redistribution of sex they way others call for the redistribution of money. Weirdly the idea was that an attractive woman would be distributed to him, not that the hot guys would be redisributed to unattractive women. Oh well.

“I used to support it but its taking down successful black men and I’m not with it.

When I was 8, my parents took me to a shoe store and sat me down in the kids in front of the TV while they went to find shoes for themselves. A man started inching towards me from the corner by the TV and I realized he was exposing himself. I got scared and went to find my mom, but was too scared to tell her what was

I was surprised recently to realize how many of my male acquaintances were repeating the same incel talking points. Namely: women discriminate against short men and that 80% of women only go for 20% of men, which proves women are shallow, unfair bitches. And that any woman can get laid or a relationship whenever she