Post Raphaelite

We are always so flattered at that age to attract an older man. Like, it’s a testament of our desirability. That thinking took me a long time to correct, too.

I’ve always seen it written as SWERF, which to my knowledge is Sex Work(er) Exclusionary Radical Feminism.

Are they also going to bust people wearing Ivanka’s knock-off shoe collection?

Indeed. It’s a very strange battle to be fighting. And that the person shouting down Rose talking about her abuse is themselves an acused abuser just makes the whole situation even sketchier.

This. My friend was in the audience (she works & that b&n and as able to snag a standing spot). She said the heckler was extremely rude and had been quipping the entire time rose was on stage. I don’t take Rose to be a TERF at all. I think she’s so tired and so frustrated and so hurt (all valid) and coild use both a

Andi Dier was trolling an obviously emotionally fragile woman. I’m not sure why Mortal Dictata and others feel the need to reward her behavior by treating her like it was some brave speaking truth to power moment. It’s just manipulative, messy, and sad.

I haven’t gone down the rabbit hole of all that Rose McGowan has said regarding trans people. However I have one big question. Why is Rose McGowan expected to do something for trans people? It’s an honest question. Did she ever say she would? Is she making fame or money off the backs of trans people? Why is the

Hmm. There’s a lot about how McGowan is approaching this entire thing (Weinstein, her book, her show) that I would do differently. There’s a lot of anger there and a lot of overly-emotional stream of consciousness bilge. She tends to lash out in a super reactionary way to anyone she senses is attacking her, whether

I am in no way defending Rose. At all. She sucks.

Hmm. I dunno that I think her reaction was transphobic. I think she was absolutely wrong on the stats she threw out in the second video, but she said again and again that trans women are women. The woman who was yelling at her was accusing her of doing nothing about violence against trans women and, in particular,

Sure, but someday you’ll buy a third round of tickets on reflex.

FYI this is not me giving up, just need to rant.

According to ABC’s Australian affiliate

Frankly I barely understand how you can work as a cook while legally blind. You’re supposed handle knives AND fire in that job. On top of that take this girl to some remote place, tie her up, and rape her.... is he like the Daredevil of sexual assault?

How does the fact that he was blind mean he wouldn’t need to serve time? Surely if he was able enough to work as a cook and tie up and rape a 13 yo, they would be able to accommodate his needs in prison as well?

“Hey asshole”

Makes me wonder what’s in his closet.

If this is the end of Woody Allen (finally; please god), it should also be the end of Alec Baldwin and any other of Allen’s myriad apologists. Fuck all of them.

yes i make them and i love that you love them

That GIF of Franco disappearing is cracking me up. I can’t stop watching it.