
“Watts, an activist against gun violence and someone who loves to get outraged about insignificant things that do not concern her and she knows nothing about, said three girls were inspected for their clothing.”

So they are removing the interesting part that appeals to viewers to save money? We will be left with the fat guys impressions of various cars and his deer-in-the-headlights amazement over the most basic auto parts? Ugh.

Now playing

Handle your hosting duties like you handled your duties at the bank, and this show will rock.

I got a 1989 Civic with 95,000 miles and bushings that were toast 20,000 miles before that. I swapped them for a complete set of poly bushings and new shocks and that thing went from buckboard to slot car overnight.

I don’t know the physics of it, but ask any experienced rally driver or ice racer about ABS in the snow. Something about having snow pack up in front of the wheels actually being a good thing, so it’s better to have the ABS off. The point is, a real car person will know what is best for their car, skill and

There is actually a pretty simple formula, referred to as “smiles and miles”. A car that puts a smile on your face and provides many miles of trouble-free motoring is more likely to be saved.

Great stories. My wife’s Mitsubishi Mirage DE had the horn in the center of the steering wheel, over the airbag. When it got cold enough, the plastic covering over the steering wheel would contract enough to push the horn button. The darn thing would go off in the middle of the night in the winter and stay on until

I am always surprised by the cars that I see in the Bay Area when I visit. I mean, how often do you see a 2CV out making a Starbucks run?

Harley Davidson’s manufacturing plants actually compete with each other. If they could make bikes cheaper and better in India, production would shift from the US in a second. The plants here are so lean and so efficient, they can’t build bikes offshore any cheaper. Their bikes may be retro, but their manufacturing

I see it all the time! My wife and I will be watching some period-piece (her pick) and I will pause it and say “I thought this was supposed to be taking place in 1986? Look at the Impala cop car, it clearly has the flush lights of a 1987 model!!”

What the heck is a pewdiepie?

You can mess with my healthcare, my environment and even my civil rights...but when you mess with my Fiesta ST you have gone too far Mr. Trump!

I wonder if VW could recoup some of their loss by updating the software and offering a deal on these cars? Be right up front about it; these are cars that were in the cheating scandal, but they have been fixed, they don’t pollute like that anymore, here are the updated specifications for power and performance, and

I am wondering how this thing would do in an autocross ? Compared to a Fiesta ST for example, it has WAY more torque which might be enough to offset the added weight. The torque is available immediately, which would really help on the launch and coming out of the corners. With some sticky tires and perhaps a shock

Let me guess, he beats it.

That one boat, that’s on the other boat, has a boat on it.

I know nothing about gaming (linked here by accident) but I do know that snipers are awesome. Apparently only in real life though.

She doesn’t “Care for Porsches” (no doubt pronounced porches) so who cares what this bitch wants? The Panamera is exactly what she wants, but she won’t even consider it out of some petty bias. Why don’t you take your $60k and shove it up your ass and enjoy the train? Or better yet, give it to your poor suffering

Why are we enforcing our appendage stereotypes on this poor girl? Why body-shame her because she’s missing a few limbs?  Maybe she doesn’t have legs. So what? Are we saying that she HAS to have legs? Is she less than human is she doesn’t have legs? That’s like saying all men have to like girls and all girls have

My bike is in the heated garage, properly winterized with a cover on it. Last winter, my cat decided it would be a great place to leave her dead animals and partial dead animals. Come spring, I took off the cover to discover a horror show of mouse, bird, squirrel and assorted rodent parts. Since she at the guts, the