or fearless
or fearless
Yeah, she hung on as long as she/they could. I don’t think it got unbareable until after Archie was born.
See Lars von Trier and Bjork, and most anyone else he worked with.
I am so sad about Danny Aiello! if you’ve never seen 29th Street please please find it and watch it I think it’s up on Prime right now. My favorite holiday movie and makes me homesick at same time.
That was called back years ago.
holyshit im cryyying
I assumed she had fibro or RA or something like that. Skinny people get heart disease too. That said, it’s a lame commercial.
Didn’t they arrest nuns for the same actions? Giving water to the thirsty?
any butter you leave on the counter is spreadable
That people want to go to Levittown?
EWWWW. I’d rather stay on campus illegally, which is what I did.
I’m legit cryyying. thank you
FUCK. That means Organic Valley is out.
Yeah I don’t know what the fuck is going on here but I can just speak for my Long Island high school and that it was Champion sweatshirts, Timberlands, jeans and outrageously big hair. JAPs really set the style for our time mostly dragging from hip hop country Queens 5 miles from our HS. You would beat somebody up…
Yes. Obviously people were booing because they really expected Frank Ocean and then Drake shows up.
Last Christmas I had to explain to my 13 year old nephew that you don’t use a scotch glass for milk. He didn’t know what a scotch glass was so we spent an hour going over every glass, cup and mug in the house. My Da was so proud I remembered it all.
Now I’m homesick.
Yup. Basically they all quit. Read Drews’s goodbye message. I get it, but I’m crestfallen.
Sorry. I know this is not the forum,but I’m gutted over Deadspin.