My back!

annnd that story just gave me funny knees.

I give a hug/backscratch combo that disarms and melts. 

I think the goal was to simulate war.  Job well done.

The Dollar Tree. Not the new one by 5th street, the one up on 29n.

The Dollar Tree. Not the new one by 5th street, the one up on 29n.

Yeah tp is very good way to go. I found these paper towels that feel like cloth? Somehow? Never ever break on ya. I’m sure they are woven with silkworm or something.

I’m a major spazz.

I’m highly annoyed with myself because I reached into the cabinet to grab a box of Jell-O pudding to make. The sugar free one. Unfortunately, I bought the (barf) instant kind instead of cook n’ serve- the real way on the stove so I’m eating what is basically chocolate soup. Sonofabitch...

Ovum gave me funny knees

Oh no! Grey???


Off topic, but Terry Gross did a spellbinding interview with these journalists.

Oh, bless your heart. 

I read all of it. What's your case of the ass about? 

I’ve used traffic tickets shoved in the glove compartment. It works. 

Then get the owner/manager to settle it. I work at a grocery store in a university town. If I’m not sure, I get help. Let management make the call.

OH, Rhode Island! Where the oxy goes down easier with a shot of yankee Tequila

Exactly! I had to make my brain understand that as soon as I’m cognitive of what I’ve done, to STOP. NOW. WALK AWAY.

Diane left him and he started drinking again remember?