My back!

took back my star, all things being Gronk.

just barfed in mouth

You’ll never believe what Ive been through.

That’s dead on. I’m sorry you’re dealing with that.You sound like a brave one.

You know you know I really do try as much as I can but I have to do a lot of speech-to-text because I just had my second surgery this year and it's hard for me to text and follow the rules believe me once I am better once I am healed I'll do what I'm supposed to do I'm really sorry now you've made me cry

Most most of the times it’s not getting your meds right it could be lack of sleep it could be taking cold medicine it could be caffeine it could be so many things you really have to stay on your med regimen even like the time of day you’ve got to take your meds within the same half an hour as you do everyday it’s just

Yeah, Bartolo!

That is the PERFECT amount of hair and yeah, left me breathless. 

My man!

Now playing

IF only they gave me the drugs for the last go around like they did for this go around. Would’ve been a much better year.

as soon as i saw who wrote this response, I knew it was gonna go sideways.

Hey now..

holy shit yes

I am so sorry for your loss. Mine passed 5 years ago, but I swear it was yesterday. 


I can share the greatest joke on here with no one because my friends who know what sentient means don’t know who Gronkowski is and vice versa.

You gotta get out the greys, dude