
and a key plot point hinging on whether someone went to see one of the Star Wars prequels the night he claims he did.”

I find the lack of Twin Peaks quite disturbing...

What did Brolin do?

Why exactly does every female author have to be a “guilty pleasure”? Flynn is a great author, why not be proud of it?

Bad show. Should’ve canceled.

Going with 1.

I bet she did >;I

Congratulations to Spike Lee and Winona Ryder!

It would help them knowing he’s faced consequences for his actions.

Hate those guys...

They could’ve cut him out. The victims are more important that our need for a season of television.

Did the show ever imply that it wasn’t wrong for Eve to hit her husband? I didn’t get that impression at all.

Baskets makes me laugh out loud though, personally. But maybe I’ll give this another chance.

He’s kinda cute

It was sorta like that scene in Shaun of the Dead!

Hmm... that picture is making this show look just as lame as I imagined.

Wow so many angry meat eaters here lol! And they call vegans sensitive.

Eve isn’t the killer, it’s Sandra Oh’s character.

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Although not nearly enough!