
It other record breaking news, it will be the 500th show this year to feature New York as a character itself.

Yes...but then it’s success will lead to an uneeded 2nd season which isn’t as good!

She’s playing two characters hence my confusion. My bad!

At first I thought this was a movie based on the app ‘Shazam’. After Angry Birds and the Emojii movie, who the hell knows...

Julianne Moore is not playing his wife in the movie. Besides that error, what a confusing paragraph... did you put that together in a minute or what?

For me it would have to be Kyle MacLachlan, I don’t know what I’d do


C+= pretty good?

Neither? I just say... Fever Ray. No emphasis on either word.


I vehemently disagree with almost everything you just said. It’s all so wrong I dont even know where to begin!

I couldn’t resist watching the new theme song and I instantly regretted it!


I was literally about to start binge watching this show, until I saw that spoiler while scrolling down. Probably won’t bother now.Wow has Kinja been amazing!!

I’ve listened to MASSEDUCTION about 15 times. That is all.

Please don’t tell me Crazy Ex-Girlfriend reviews have been cancelled :(

There’s no bad place to start really, but I would recommend trying Actor first!

Mmm, delicious mancild rage...

She’s had a really consistent album run so far. Strange Mercy is definitely her best (but it may change after tomorrow). What are your fave tracks from her?