
The problem with “flattering” is that what it usually means is dressing in a way that gets you as close as possible to an arbitrary and impossible patriarchal beauty standard. It essentially asks women to apologize and compensate for what we naturally look like. We should strive to dress in ways that make us feel good

Can I just tell you, Trump was always a tremendous sport and member. You’ve never seen such great guy. The way he treated the staff, those guys were never treated so well, not even by their family. Also he once shot a 55.

There’s no specific ETA detailed by Niantic, but they say it’s “just around the corner.”

Nope. It is a job. They get paid $200-$500 a day.

A yearly release for these sports games is a bad idea

It’s a procedurally generated game, for many players it won’t be readily apparent that the game is lacking the features you’re looking for within the first few hours.

It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.

I have never had one of my horses need colic surgery, but yes I would. I keep insurance on my horses, even sale horses and even though it cuts my profit on them, for a reason. This way if they ever need surgery it can be a welfare-based decision, not a financial one. That’s why one of my horses got top notch ligament

Reading this makes me realize that, until the Trumpenning, Cruz was the most logical beneficiary of the ascension to power of the more rabid parts of the Republican party.


Byron Scott spoke with Williams to make sure he’s mentally ready once the playoffs begin.

Good points.

Ah yes, that’s Kobe, always sacrificing individual success for the good of the team.

Well, no, West would not be better than the worst NBA guard today. He’s like 80 years old.

Yeah, but also, no. If you want to get nerdy, his advanced stats say this is his worst year, save one of the years his body malfunctioned.

The vanity of a movie star. lol

Years ago, somebody compiled a diary of the Reagan presidency, including haircuts. Reagan got his hair cut something like every 5 days.

I love 'em. Good grip. Good weight. Good geometry. Good materials. Great price.