There were a lot of things I pretended as a child. Then I grew up.
There were a lot of things I pretended as a child. Then I grew up.
I went to Barnes & Noble to pick up the book
I feel like I can say with total confidence that literally no black person on that train (“rap minstrel” or otherwise) said:
The Democratic Party can’t keep Bernie Sanders trapped in a closet, but maybe it needs to find a way to sincerely adopt his policy positions without having to deal directly with him.
What you call “purity bullshit” women call “agency over my corporeal self.” Or, put another way, what you would have called “purity bullshit” 170 years ago was also known as “supporting the ownership of other human beings.”
Tell that to the Bernie stans who would not vote for Hillary.
This woman who is not suing, is not seeking back pay or remuneration of any kind, is obviously just saying this to get rich.
Just reading her fantasy...did she think she was freaking Storm from the X-Men or something? WTF.
Weird how (white) people keep saying that Peele having a white mother and white wife (neither of which I knew about him) means he’s never experienced racism (nice or nasty) from white people or he can’t possibly know black people who have. EL-OH-STFU.
“Nice” racism is what my mom experienced when she married my Mexican dad. Her whole life my grandparents told my mom that everyone is equal and people should be not be judged by the color of their skin. Until she got engaged to my dad, then every racist stereotype of “lazy” Mexican came out under the guise of…
Tell them. Tell them.
She’s b-l-a-c-k.
What is crazy to me is the number of conservatives lashing out on twitter about how much of a class act Melania is and how Michelle Obama has no class. I seriously can’t even process how anyone can see FLOTUS as not being a class act, regardless of politics.
Cosmo was in a perfect position to do this. Everyone, including Ivanka, thinks they’re a dumb ladymag full of nothing but penis touching tips and other questionable advice, but their political reporting is actually pretty damn good.
Actually, according to the Christian Right that dominates so much of this country, they do get to dictate how you grieve: their way! SMALL GOVERNMENT! USA! USA!
Also, for a big school located within a somewhat dangerous city, the campus cops keep an eye on non-campus areas as well and ensure safety of the neighborhood at large in order to keep campus zones safer. The community benefits, too.
We are so overdue for a plague
Recently I finished reading the diary kept by the Marquis de Lafayette’s secretary, who traveled with him during a year long tour of the United States which they took in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the start of the War for American Independence.