It was ridiculous that people thought it was OK to name her without her consent. You can’t just go around telling people’s stories for them. And in this case it was an assumption not based on fact.
It was ridiculous that people thought it was OK to name her without her consent. You can’t just go around telling people’s stories for them. And in this case it was an assumption not based on fact.
yes. i had a coworker who insisted on “daily hugs” from me, specifically because he knew it made me uncomfortable. he’d sneak up on me to make sure he got his arms around me before i could dodge him. it was exhausting. boss was never in the office and didn’t care when i brought it up. please don’t touch me. i…
I didn’t think he needed to GTFO last week, now I’m a more attuned to the idea. What really needs to stop is the idea that there’s no point in discussion, that this one way is the only right way to approach this. That’s going to kill us more than anything else. Can we all just fucking admit we don’t have the answer?…
I’m not a Taylor Swift fan, *except* for her countersuit against the guy who grabbed her ass during a photo. The message she sent there was clear: women smile while having their asses grabbed in photos because they’re startled, confused, nervous, and trying to behave well, like women are taught to do, not because they…
How about she can stand wherever she wants and Al Franken just doesn’t paw at her?
Raising my hand as one who is severing ties. I used to say “Lena Dunham isn’t helping.” Now I say “Lena Dunham is actively hurting feminist and progressive issues.”
Not defending him. What he did was wrong. While this may be contrary to the ideas espoused in this article, I do think there are degrees of wrongness and it’s fallacy to lump them all together.
I agree nuance needs to be part of the discussion. All sexual harassment and assault is bad, there’s no question of that. But there are gradations of how bad. If we assign a “bad as it can possibly be” label to gross comments at work, we have nothing left for the likes of Ted Bundy.
I feel like there is a fine line here between saying “give him a pass” to “he did this, it sucks, and he needs to face the consequences for his actions.” and saying “he should resign, the shit stain”. Like there shouldn’t be, they seem very different stances but somehow you land in one of the extreme camps.
I will be honest here. When I looked at those hands, I thought someone had found Waldo and was hanging onto him so he didn’t get lost in a crowd again.
I specifically take issue with the inclusion of a mermaid front and center on every Starbucks cup. They’re an abomination and Noah left them off the ark for a reason. There were space issues and they can swim anyway. Also they maybe consume human flesh.
Boy, those Trumpanzees sure are fragile little snowflakes, aren’t they?
Thank you, that is exactly what I’m saying. Treating every instance of harassment as the same is absurd, some are objectively worse than others. I’m not in any way, shape, or form, arguing that his actions were right, justified, or okay. What I’m saying is that I don’t think it’s so bad that he should resign over it.…
But the photo part literally looks like a joke. He’s staring straight into a camera and hamming it up. Is it inappropriate? Yes. But is cupping his hands over a flack jacket on the same level as some of the wilder shit we’ve been hearing about every day now? With people whipping out their dicks, trying to have sex…
Right? People are consuming the content they want to consume. This little asshole acts like women are taking something from him as if the viewers aren’t the ones choosing not to watch him, and as if what he’s offering is at all comparable to what those consumers are looking for. It’s totally delusional.
You will not get that promotion at work if you dress in frumpy, oversized, or non-stylish clothing, but you will also get HR complaints and demotions if your clothing shows an outline of your curves or a hint of cleavage. Also, you will be shamed as a terrible mother if you don’t breastfeed but you will also be…
and if you’re flat-chested, ugh. And if your chest is too big, ugh.
You will not get that promotion at work if you don’t dress in an attractive manner, but you will also get HR complaints if your cleavage or nipples show at work. Akso, you will be shamed as a terrible mother if you don’t breastfeed but you will also be accosted if you breastfeed in public.
Men: The Rational Gender(tm). We’ll risk touching your boobs without express permission after a couple beers, but not when it might save your lives.