Unfortunately, that was a fake out:
Unfortunately, that was a fake out:
You mean like this?
Oh I’m so over people blathering on about wanting outsiders in government. I’m finishing a degree in public administration, and it makes me crazy that wide swaths of Americans think it’s beneficial to have someone in office that knows absolutely nothing about the field or profession. It’s like saying ‘GE should really…
The professional association for those in the mental health field has a rule (based on comments made by psychiatrists that diagnosed the candidate during the Goldwater campaign) that psychiatrists cannot publicly discuss public figure’s mental health. So no one who is qualified to make a judgement call can actually…
Sweet baby jesus, I hope the APA rolls back the Goldwater Rule soon. I want some really informed conjecture about what the fuck is wrong with this guy, and how he got this way. Because his existence is something to be understood in order that it can be avoided in the future.
Maybe the management is a bunch of fucking cowards, then.
Bravo to everyone using their voice/platform to shame this administration. Almost every celeb has voiced their outrage except Taylor Swift. I don’t fuck with her music but it’s undeniable that she is more relevant than many who have taken a stance. Her silence is deafeningly loud in these times. She wants people to…
So they’re saying hate DOES have a home at Gucci? Gucci is actually pro-hate? Ok, got it.
Am I reading this right? Gucci is stating that without question, it is quite OK with hate? Are we truly in the Upside Down world?
“I want to make it perfectly clear that my company said nothing negative about the Dear Leader. My employees did not speak out in opposition to the Führer. Gaddafi would have looked fabulous in our products.”
Melted down and remade into statues of civil rights leaders. I like the irony. Taking the statue of someone who tried to tear this country apart under inequality and remaking it into someone who tried to unite this country under equality.
Bury them at sea like Bin Ladin so their gravesites don’t draw a terrorist presence.
The word “sociopath” isn’t used by mental health professionals anymore. What Trump suffers from is called a Cluster B Personality Disorder. And in fact, he has all four Personality Disorders listed in the DSM-V.
1. Notice it’s a “car” that killed her, and not a white supremacist extremist? Not a person, not a man? He might as well said “mistakes were made”.
I get this, but in reverse. In an argument with my father this weekend, he took the side of Nazi protesters and told me that if I wasn’t so pathetic I’d be able to do something to improve my life and the lives of my family. Because I believed the government should condemn nazism.
Wow, good for him and his family.
Am I the only one who noticed the delivery:
I do not believe our grammar deficient witless leader Trump uses big words like “egregious” and “repugnant.” I do not believe for one moment that Trump did more than read a prepared statement in an attempt to squirm out of the bad situation he finds himself in. There was a focused intensity on his face as he mouthed…
Jesus Christ. Heather was indeed an excellent ally, and now tragically, a martyr. But your rant is a reason why people complain about so-called allies...turning these events into a complaint about how white people aren’t getting enough credit and how POC aren’t doing enough to make you feel good about the things…