The police officer’s parents are already in the media trying to spin him as a “good father” and a “family man”, never mind that he’s divorced and has two children born within 12 days of each other by two different women.
The police officer’s parents are already in the media trying to spin him as a “good father” and a “family man”, never mind that he’s divorced and has two children born within 12 days of each other by two different women.
Yeah this makes me all kinds of uncomfortable. Is she just going to live with being repulsed by touch for the rest of her life? What happens if she gets over it? To me it seems selfish as hell to say “my wife is going through something tough postpartum but MY dick isn’t getting wet & that’s the real problem.”
Exactly. I mean, shouldn’t the person with the near-debilitating illness be getting help and support for said illness? But instead we’re supposed to worry about Peter?
This is the kind of “I love garbage because it’s convenient and so should you” attitude that has kept a lot of industries afloat since industrialization. Just because they wrapped it up in the gender wars (at a time where advertising was extremely gendered) doesn’t make it revolutionary.
I’m a white person too. This show is hilarious and tackles race issues head on. I don’t feel uncomfortable with this show, and I want to hear these stories from the perspective of Black identity and experiences.
Even if the story is airtight in its facts, a lawsuit can take months to resolve, and necessitate that journalists waste time appearing in court to testify instead of working on new stories. Just having to defend yourself can be a real burden, even if you’re guaranteed to win. Not to mention that more minor outlets,…
It would be the literal end of Fox News. Without bullshit, they would not exist. And even Murdoch doesn’t have deep enough pockets for that hole.
Naw, Trump would invoke the “I’m rubber, you’re glue” law...
I attend a UMC church, and it’s completely accepting of LGBT people. Our pastor frequently talks about how discrimination against LGBT people is as shameful as discrimination against blacks in the past, and we need to put an end to it in our organization. We’re part of the Reconciling Ministries Network (http://www.rmn…
I’ve been a Methodist for my entire life and I stay because people like Bishop Oliveto stay - and as a straight cis-woman, I am constantly working on how to be an ally and be aware of my privilege in spaces that are at times hostile to LGBTQ folks. It’s a big tent denomination - Bishop Oliveto came from a church in…
There’s actually a huge split in the Methodist Church, to be fair. A significant portion is super liberal, a significant portion is not. They almost split when I was in high school over the issue, but ultimately stayed together. I think it’s coming to a head again though.
Everyone’s reminder that Walmart bought ModCloth!
Everyone’s reminder that Walmart bought ModCloth!
“He needs to be raised as far away from his father and siblings as humanly possible.”
Over on Foxtrot Alpha the argument in the comment section seems to be that the tunnels aren’t like a hardened bunker so a large pressure wave would be effective at destroying them and possibly have the effect of creating a vacuum given the limited air supply to said tunnels.
I’m arguing with my wife’s redneck family members about the MOAB attack, which they are fucking ecstatic over (like, literally cheerleading on Facebook). I asked them why we needed to use the GBU-43, which from my understanding detonates midair to hit surface targets, against underground targets like tunnel networks.…
I honestly hope he follows through on this strategy. It will result in several lawsuits almost immediately. Those subsidies are written into the ACA. He’s president, not the king. He can’t pick and choose which laws he wants to follow. Democrats need only sit back, point and laugh. It’s one more example of his…
Is everyone forgetting that the *Republicans* could have passed this without a single Democrat getting on board, and didn’t? Why is anyone playing into the narrative that the Democrats were the problem.
“we’ve just fired 59 missiles, all of which hit by the way”
Unbelievable, from hundreds of miles away, all of which hit, amazing, so incredible, it’s brilliant, it’s genius, our technology, our equipment is better than anybody by a factor of five...