
It’s worth noting that their visibility comments were largely related to the center pylon. Ricciardo (I believe it was him) in particular commented that he couldn’t speak for the actual hoop itself, which he said might be more concerning when drivers need more vertical view on high grade changes.

they use whole windshield tearoffs in multiple racing series, including nascar and WEC.

The drivers that tested the Halo said it had little to no impact on visibility - I would wager it affords better visibility than the Aero Screen, which can collect smears of water, oil, dirt, clag, etc... At least their helmet visors have those tear-off layers to keep them clear, but I don’t think would be a viable

Hopefully, in the next 12 months Ferrari will “innovate” a polycarbonate aerodynamic windscreen.

Some of us are anti-halo, on the basis that aeroscreen looks like the much better solution and deserves more testing. But hey we can’t accept things Red Bull makes.

Like a king. Glad to see this is getting properly beat on even after being sold for $250,000+

I don't understand why people are blaming tesla. Autopilot didn't kill him, his inability to look where he was going did.

Honestly I want a combo of several of them! I want the ute, with the tiki bar offering tiki touches(I assume this was a typo and it was supposed to be titi touches? If not I retract my vote) and lifted with tons of lights

+1 for sense of humor


Pretty sure press car = fuck it.

That’s.... less than what a brand new 2WD Tahoe goes for these days.

Good for him. Not so great for indy.

“Hello humans...”

Come on, it’s a Jaguar. That’s never going to happen.

Its a shifter, nothing more and nothing less. It won’t make or break anyones purchase, except the ficticous purchases of those who weren’t in the market to begin with but felt compelled to whine about it.

Nobody that has ever driven in a Texas city should be surprised by this video.

Formula One and Azerbaijan: One is ruled with an iron fist by a power-hungry, greedy dictator. The other is a former Soviet republic.

Does the car’s performance suffer when you drive it to Cincinnati?

They tried to use 458's but the results were.... Less than helpful.