Wait PSN has dragon's lair? I know it's horrible gameplay but I adore that game.
Wait PSN has dragon's lair? I know it's horrible gameplay but I adore that game.
I will say this, if your a NCAA mens's hoops or football junkie from all sorts of different regions the ESPN 3 app is awesome, granted if you have access it to it from your cable provider. Loving it so far.
@Spustatu: Daft Punk isn't walking into anything without a lot of "rights" to release things, they know their biz
@SG79: Best game of this "Gen" I'd argue. Never been so happy and angry playing a game. I hope my "hope's" aren't too high on La Noire
I've never really wanted anything for xmas the last decade or so. Might have to ask for this, and a Technics 1200
It's too early in the morning for 10 minute long LSD trips. I might finally buy a retro duo twin, always thought about it.
Isn't he on one of those horrible shows on before east coast sports start? Around the horn or something?
I didn't like Galaga CE as much as Pac Man CE, hyped for tomorrow tough.
I would argue there is too much in the racing genre, probably why Blur got lost in the shuffle.
I don't mind having other options to buy stuff from, but I can already see the little things that will bug me. Batman is $49 and then right next to it GOTY edition is $39. I know this happens at retail also and not a big deal but for some reason it bugs me. $9 for Borderlands today, i might nab it.
Give us a date namco dammit, I must have this. I hope it's a christmas present to myself. Pac Man CE was the greatest xbox arcade game that year.
@Odb718: Do you remember the Nintendo 64 days, I think every crappy Akklaim game was hitting $69-$79
It worked for ps2
The real question is did Black Ops need a review at all? I'm pretty sure the buyers were locked in already and those with no interest or dislike of the series are not probably going to be swayed.
@Scarbane: Pretty sure the main designer is a former Blizzard staff member, so that's why.
turnabout is fair play, don't really like either game's engine though. Congrats to THQ get to pump out sequels year after year for a bottom line bump.
No new gaming machine or gear this year, would have been really hard to not buy a 3DS though. I'll be able to resist more easily in the spring/summer.
So much douche in one place at one time, good thing we avoided "the big one". Not the vets though, well both my brothers are vets and kind of douchey, but only one gives chills.
Teamed up with Lucasarts?
@Animal Mother: 1 does, 2 seemed rather tame in comparison