I passed on ODST but I think I will pick this one up on Friday. Best Buy's instant $20 gift card has lured me in, probably walk out turn around walk back in and grab NHL 11.
I passed on ODST but I think I will pick this one up on Friday. Best Buy's instant $20 gift card has lured me in, probably walk out turn around walk back in and grab NHL 11.
They grabbed every cliche from D-Day then they finish it with a Joker from the Batman Returns quote. If Kinect can control mechs at all I'm all over this.
@tonyp21: Same thing I was thinking
I can't buy PES 2011 in good faith without a multiplayer online demo, the lag the in 09 almost had me crack the disc in one hand.
@SotoSaki: That's kind of what I'm thinking also. Keyboard bundle and wait for that other guitar, it looks like that would be a lot more effective if it works right.
Any news on the other guitar they were working on, Think it's a "telecaster" same concept as the midi guitar but instead of buttons it's more like a real guitar. That might be something worth waiting for. Was on one of the xbox dashboard videos the other day.
@sandwiches: Sounds like a guy having fun with a fluff question.
Tony Dungy, the only person with less charisma than Peyton Manning.
@Gramma42ton: That's what you would think, but didn't Modern Warfare 2 just move the most money ever for a video game 10 months ago? I'm for sure outside the demographic for their motion products, but I just really don't see why anyone would want either.
@yargh: Ha that's a shitty cash grab. I'd cry for you but I own $79 copies of Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Turok The Dinosaur hunter on the N64, and Midway still went out of biz.
I haven't played a hockey game since 2k3, probably going to head out and pick up NHL 11 tomorrow. Owen I can understand not knowing the nuances of the game part, but are the controls to NHL 11 really that complicated? I think you did your friend a disservice. Left stick moves skater, right stick moves your hockey…
@Dynosaulo: I don't think it was ever cool
I maybe getting over into the too old precipice, but really I see nothing in Sony or Microsoft's "motion control" that makes me want to invest in either. Is there a killer app? I don't know both remind me of the power glove or U-Force for some reason.
Wow Brian lost me at the first "Loved" I kind of liked the Halo story, space zombies, religious zealots, weapons of mass destruction, olde gods. Truth in advertising I hate Halo multiplayer love good squads in any game of Battlefield.
@Mmm: Sorry even after your rant you are wrong. Anyone with a CD-burner could pirate a Dreamcast game, no mod chip, no soldering no nothing. Pirating killed it before it's time, but you are correct in saying that PS2 wouldn't have anyway.
@slash000: Gamestop should probably give you a free copy of the game, maybe a new computer, couple systems to "advertise" the benefits of pre-ordering with them.
@Wozamil: But are they going to alienate the user base that doesn't have Move in LPB2?
@Wozamil: But it wad made way before Move, unless they have a new version that is "Move" exclusive I have to think "tacked on waggle"
Since they showed "Little Big Planet" I didn't read that much into it. Yet another motion control commercial that has shown me no reason to invest in Move or Kinect though. I smell epic fail for both.
@Faux Bravo: Not a great one to answer that. It's possible last NHL game I bought was 2k3. That being said this felt a lot like EA's NHL 93/94 but with all new cool bells and whistles.