I'll take some crazy taxi with leaderboards and achievments.
I'll take some crazy taxi with leaderboards and achievments.
@izzitaspider: ain't that a bitch
@izzitaspider: Insightful commentary. I'm not getting one anyway, Halo's not for me, good sir.
@Brian Crecente: My apologies
@Brian Crecente: But no Karate Champ? How could you :P
I knew this "Map" was fail the second I didn't see "Karate Champ", I mean really Kotaku? You're better than that :) Although 94-97 was the Golden Age.
Whether it counts someone buying a new unit to replace a broken one, a "sale" is a sale. Probably units shipped though anyway.
@Mexico619: How many were sold in Mexico?
@Flymonkey102: I stand corrected it was $19.99.
@Flymonkey102: Umm yeah it actually was, so.... Was all over [cheapassgamer.com] a couple months ago so you should check it out.
Can't wait for these to hit $15 in a couple years.
@AgentSnake: Just going off what was I played in Dead Rising 1 and what I'm seeing in that video.
Ha for some reason I love the name "Zombrex". That's got to have some really bad "possible" side effects.
I've always thought "Thor" would be a cool character for a fighting game, even though I think he's kind of odd for a comic book character. That being said you could do some interesting stuff with some of Spiderman's classic enemies far to under represented. I mean even if it's lame to have Green Goblin not on a…
I dunno when he was jumping up on top of the video poker machine it seemed rather clunky on the controls. Also when the guy was playing the giant video poker machine looked easy to mess up what button you hit. My biggest concern about this sequel was how it would control, something that Dead Rising failed at I thought.
@AnnexOne: Agreed with the segmenting part. If you look at most of the "Finish" times, the top 3 will be fairly close then like another group of 5 will come in with pretty similar times. If you know where the Nitros are on the track and can get out the first pile up turn your usually going to finish pretty well. I'd…
@Brodka: regrettably: That thing was an abomination before god.
The MCV trailer looks very SFIV to me, that the engine they are going to use?
How much is he going to donate to Detroit?
umm who cares if Roger Ebert thinks anything is Art. All this is feeding into the belief that he's anything more than a talented writer. Fuck him.