
Hmm they are based in Connecticut, home of the the "auto-renewal" shopper's discount scam. What's wrong with that state? Some kind of loop hole law?

Wonder how long it will be before a state's Attorney General will be looking their auto-renewal practices? I never sent them a letter to join their orgnization just a credit card and some mouse clicks. Shame on me for not knowing this was the only way to opt out or I would have never joined. As a member of the gaming

I never understood what this thing was, got into FIFA 09 kind of late. It looked like a collectible card game, or is that impression totally wrong?

@Wartoad6: I think it's going to suck and I don't have a blog.

@DaveKap: they get a halfway pass from me for being "the" sound card for so many years, although I once owned a Diamond Monster GL add on card, so I might be too old hat.

@Karlott: Basically I'm saying I think Konami owned the beat them up vs Capcom. Although I'd take the Technos 4 player beat them up that wasn't a Double Dragon deal.

@Karlott: Think Cap and the avengers was made by Data East though, maybe Tatio. Simpsons had awesome bosses as did the TMNT games

Movie versions, totally lame

@Karlott: I'd argue that it was The Simpsons and the TMNT games, wish they would have left Turtles in Time spritey.

Infinity Ward only did one pack of DLC on the first, wonder if they will be that tempered this time around. Not that I minded CoD 5's 3 different packs, loved Nazi Zombies. Although I do demand a multiplayer map set in DC suburbs.

Bible is full of zombies

@Kobun: As far as basketball, college level is pretty much preformed as a "team" hence the "motion offense" in this game. In the NBA it's usually get a matchup with a better guy vs a weaker guy. That and a lot of teams can offset athletes and talent with 3 pointers in the college game.

@iamspoo: He said he's had 4 consoles and you can only do it once a year, so if he had 2 consoles die within a year this is not a viable option. Trust me I'm in the same situation, that is MS fault.

@GunFlame: you have a star and still trot out the old "Games should not be patched should be perfect on release" motto? Still hate the new comment system.

@MightyMonk: Agreed when I was scouting out the maps, I couldn't believe how god awful the AI was this time around. Don't think they bothered with it in part 2.

@Owosso: and you stupid like your town in Michigan

@Marios_shadow: Where is the spin? That Modern Warfare 2 outsold total sales of COD 4 in the first week, or that UK pc sales only accounted for 3% of their region's total sales? Both seem fairly reasonable to me. To be fair I think all internet boycott/posts are hollow.

Hackers don't dance they boogie