@excel_excel:Ah never had the chance to check Mass Effect out on PC but now I remember hearing they "tweaked" it. That inventory system had "rush to release" written all over it.
@excel_excel:Ah never had the chance to check Mass Effect out on PC but now I remember hearing they "tweaked" it. That inventory system had "rush to release" written all over it.
Too bad about the chat pad support. I'm still curious how Bioware is going to incorprate mmo contols over to the 360 controller. Would be nice to map some things to the chat pad buttons. I'm a huge fan of Bioware content but after that Inventory system in Mass Effect... oh well haven't done my research yet on how…
One thing I found and I hope they address is the breaking up of your xbox live party/ squad. I've pretty much been playing with only one other person in my party and we seem able to get through a couple maps, but then matchmaking seems to put us on opposite teams. I don't know if this is by design to keep teams fair…
@Adam In Texas: Really? I feel I see the enemies a lot easier for some reason, those little triangles above their head if a team mate spots them really help rounding up snipers sneaking back and forth behind a ridge line.
hmmm I like the time stamps, halfway interested on games on demand, rest I'm pretty much meh, I like the tiny little fixes though like when I send a voice message and forget to unmute my mic. I suppose no 3rd party would want to get in on games on demand, but I could see myself bored wanting a game and buying…
I use to be Pro Evo all the way, 07 online games against south American people were great fun from here in Arizona and was very playable. I don't know what they did to the net code in 08 but it was awful. Forced me to move to Fifa 09 and I imagine 10 unless I hear of vast improvements.
I wonder what kind of setup this would be control wise? Mouse to control the gun would be obvious I guess, but I'm not that good with a keyboard to make some of those movements.
@Toasticus: ok
Hairy man boobs, true terror indeed
@Doomstink: Yeah I wonder if these will actually be limited "limited" editions.
Hmm do I pay the extra $20 for the cool metal tin? I'm sick of the puke green 360 cases.
I want to play "smashed star comments barrier"
@Cygnus_Mal: No your not, you want to play right now as do I after this post. I think the weapons are pretty much perfectly balanced in a rock paper scissors style. It's beauty in simplicity. Grenades kind of suck though, oh well off to add to the kill total.
About the coolest thing I saw in my pizza delivery days was a MAME Arcade cabinet in the break room of this place that built satellites. Full 4 player with roller ball control deck. I should have studied aero space.
I just finally made to rivet city. By the time I get around to getting some DLC Fallout 4 might be out. I don't want any spoilers but someone said the DLC changes the ending of the original game? I've avoided all the DLC on the 360 for that reason.
@SuperTongue: guess on the wrong severs, still a crap shoot though
@SuperTongue:with Most servers hitting 20 kills tops for a match, how much did this game sell?
@Xucuroz: No system link, you can join a public game with a "squad" but to start up your own "match/server" you need 15 other "invites". So I guess that falls in line with them really skimping on the servers to launch this thing. But I agree with a lot of people if you can get a few friends in the same squad it's…
Isn't it government mandated they release DQ games on weekends in Japan, to avoid missed work and school. I think I read that in Nintendo power circa 1986/7 :P so it must be true.
@JediMasta: Yeah not in the spirit of the game I suppose but it would be fun just to run around and blast each other with tanks and drop bomb on their moms.