Still think they should've called it the Super 3DS.
Still think they should've called it the Super 3DS.
People don't even understand the difference between the DS and the 3DS, let alone the 2DS and 3DS, and now the 2DS, 3DS, and the New 3DS.
It's just funny to me that there were, and are, people out there who didn't realize there was at least some corruption in journalism already, and also believe that it will, one day, be 100% unopinionated and fully transparent.
It's not like they couldn't put out an update that lets them work with other games. The adapter is just translating pro controller inputs via a different controller, so I'm sure if there's a loud enough outcry, they could make them work with any games that support the Pro Controller.
There's got to be an easier way....
That's what happens when you wait 6 months and a year to release a few more maps and characters!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhhh Stephen Amell as Green Arrow. Make this happen more often!
I give up.
They need to do away with "challenge modes", or at least do away with offering them as paid DLC part of the season pass. It's a joke, and just a cheap way to pad the game when they should be working on extending the story or adding extra missions.
My girlfriend is not a hardcore gamer. She's played maybe 40 different games in her life. But she plays a lot. She does not consider herself a hardcore gamer and that's the exact problem with labeling everyone who plays 20+ hours a week as "hardcore". Am I not hardcore because there are weeks I don't game at all? It…
NOTE: The headline had originally identified Hoff Summers as a "Conservative Critic," as she is affiliated with the Conservative-leaning American Enterprise Institute. Hoff Summers herself clarifies that she does identifies as Libertarian-leaning and is a registered Democrat. I've removed the word "Conservative" from…
Dishonest ≠ evil, and that's not what I was implying, although her motivations are fairly clear.
She keeps rallying behind the "hardcore" point, saying that you're only a real gamer if you play 20+ hours per week, and that females hardly game that much so the industry is justified in being a male-oriented one. I'm a guy and I consider myself a "hardcore gamer". I have a huge game collection spanning decades, but…
You're kidding me. I had no idea this existed. Explain why Europe gets all these badass CE's and North America gets nothing. I don't think we've gotten a CE since Wind Waker HD. C'mon. I don't get it.
That better get pushed up. I know they're probably thinking: "Oh, it'll be a great way to celebrate MK8's one year anniversary!" but no. Just no. That's just insane.
Yes, Nintendo has had pretty shitty third party support in the recent past, but they've been making a concerted effort to change that with the Wii U. It's now Ubisoft's fault, not really Nintendo's. There's no reason that they couldn't port AC: Rogue to Wii U if it's gonna run fine on PS3/360. If they have a title…
"What we see is that Nintendo customers don't buy Assassin's Creed," Guillemot said of the last fiscal year that ended March 31, 2014. "Last year, we sold in very small numbers."
Why do I feel he's only gonna get a slap on the wrist, minimal prison time and a fine, and he'll return to MMA just the same, and people won't care that he nearly beat a woman to death?
Not sure how naming an NPC "Robin", a connection that not every player is going to understand, puts them in a hard spot. Everybody knows that he passed away and how, and if they don't, chances are if they were to meet an NPC named "Robin" in the next Zelda title, they aren't going to immediately go Google "Robin…
The song in the trailer rips off Clutch's "The Regulator" SO BAD.