Should have done neck beards instead. Way more pics could have been had. But then again the poster would have been part of the joke and it'd hurt his feelwings.
Should have done neck beards instead. Way more pics could have been had. But then again the poster would have been part of the joke and it'd hurt his feelwings.
"YouTube national anthem" style music and euro vehicles goes together like oilspills and a dawn dish soap commercial.
Would you like to try the new YouTube layout? It makes it impossible to split your not 1440p screen with anything else.
"Throw a rock at it. If it doesn't explode. Your fine."
No. I think not. Your suffering is far from over.
Name another easily available clear liquid state explosive
Who the hell would make an explosive device out of nitro glycerine when TNT is so easy to make with it and makes it much easier to transport?
Free content!?!?!? What is this madness?!?!?!?
And this is why game informer makes the big bucks for their reviews. Their ability for damage control is only rivaled by ign
And be much more interesting than any other match streamed.
More fail that the father in question plays a moba in front of his daughter. Eventually she's going to learn how to read and the first word she reads is going to... probbably be. Faggot.
Thanks to the kinja refresh being in Full swing... I could not tell where the article started and a "check this article out" link ended. The fuck is this article trying to confirm us of? Sweden has some policy? What about it? How is it implemented? Could this be done in other countries easily?
Hasn't stopped tuners like bully dog and Supertuners from releasing just that. They are off road tunes. Your not supposed to use them in the highway. Also to hell with emissions I want an extra few mpg.
Sure someone will make a flash that disables the fluid usage.
And after owning the truck for a year it starts saving you money. Math is fun!
Damn it Vin why'd you cast walk on water?
bf4s core requirements for it to be considered even an average fps are still not realized (the supposed net code issue. Which is tbh the poling rates being shit and tue physical servers being overloaded to high hell. Amongst other things that would also help a little.) Unlike GTA which doesn't rely totally on hit…
Holy sheet! That's some cheap storage
Because rich people drive all their cars in a line. Like a train.
I'm torn on this one. At full gallop it sounds great. But anything less and I hear the Italian equivalent of a bro truck.