
@drewids: First @ everyone ... I am surprised so many responded to my comment. Back to drewids ... I understand that Pandas tend not to procreate and that we have no control over China. However, I disagree heartily that zoos promote conservation. They may want you to believe that, but it just isn't so. Western zoos do

That video made more sad than anything else. Why are the pandas in a filthy cell with nothing natural in it and the only place to sit other than concrete, a bench? I refuse to go to zoos and have not been to one in over 20 years. Pandas are endangered and have a difficult time reproducing in captivity. Why don't we

@Tycho Vhargon: Texted his/her Goolgle Voice number from my own. Two geeks meet.

And that hyper-annoying sound is why Dyson created the bladeless fan. Buffeting. Now if they could make that go with the air multiplier, I'd be trés impressed.

Oh my. If only I could plant my garden this way. That would rock.

I had a flashback to the Atari Missile Command game. Yeah, I'm old.

Actually, I have always wanted to have a garden but have severe arthritis in my legs (as well as operations that have limited my range of motion) so standing, kneeling, or squatting are beyond my abilities. Additionally, I have a bruised tailbone that won't go away so sitting is out of the question. This thing would

What is interesting to me was that the photographer's first instinct was NOT to save the camera on his arm. He honestly seemed to think he was drowning. I am not a professional and my first instinct is always to save the electronics.

brandousbitchingremoval? I'd like one for some naggers I know.