
This is the outcome of staying in a toxic relationship. If either party feels thoughts of fear or aggression in that relationship it is best to move on. Some people just are not compatible and continuing in a toxic relationship is what ended his career. She was obviously not the women he was looking for with the way

The kids seem to be having a markedly different crash experience.

I had a Chevy dealer attempt to charge $1200 for dealer prep. After digging at them they revelaed this included a pin stripe down the side of the car and nitrogen in the tires.....that already came from the factory with nitrogen in them....which is a scam in itself. They literally tried to scam the scam and cover it

I feel bad now, but where did the 3.6 billion go? Maybe that were saddled with a lot debt when they went indie from Acti/Blizz. Still, where did all the money go in the good times? Napkin math: 1100 x $100,000 is $110,ooo,000. So maybe expenses at the studio are ~$150 million. Of course, they have to far exceed that

Overwatch may not be the cultural juggernaut it once was, but the League of Legends series Arcane is proof that a great animated series can bring new fans into the fold.”

Obviously its three birds to signify the holy trinity, meaning the main character will be Jesus.

Right, because that was the first incident of a car being driven too quickly that lead to a negative result.  Get real dude.

To be fair to Slate, the gist of the article was that there really is no need for cars that can go 3-4 times the speed limit. And they’ve got a point. The same way we don’t need giant truuuuuuuuks to drop the kids off at school, the same way we don’t need hockey mom Expeditions to get the groceries, we don’t need

You mean single issue ‘fascism’. Regulation of roads/cars is not fascism. You may not like it, it may be antithetical to our American values, but it is not fascism if democratically elected officials enact these regulations. Driving is not a right. Hell if we got together as a society (through our democratically

Ok yes I agree in part with you, but this is not some liberal semi facism thing. It’s just selective outrage, and it’s common to both conservatives and liberals, meaning everyone. Don’t try to make it more than it is with your own personal bias. That’s how we become divided on issues we all actually agree on to turn

Pretty fucking wild how the AV Club… is omitting the ACTUAL antisemitic part of Barrera’s posts

You can be supportive of innocent civilians on both sides. Not all Israeli citizens support their government. Not all Palestinians support or are part of Hamas.

Both Hamas and the Israeli government are committing atrocities against civilians. This is not a simple situation where you can just support one side.

She didn’t say she supports Hamas. She says she is against Palestinian civilians being killed which you appear to be very much in favor of.

If it’s laid anything bare, it’s that any criticism of Israel is branded as “antisemitic” in order to stifle Palestinian perpsectives, and has been for a long time.

Those matches can be frustrating, but that’s not the same as being stressful.

The pressure for perfect/optimal play is a lot higher when a single death is the difference between your team winning or losing, as opposed to a steamroll match where a single death is just padding the other team’s lead. 

“crocodile tears”
I hate that term. Crocodiles are beautiful creatures, these people on the other hand are a disgusting virus.

This site regularly criticizes C-suite executives of gaming companies, and this article is explicitly about female journalists and developers. That’s the text of this article. Representation in this context refers to the gaming news desks that cover games and the development teams whose labor produces the games we all

I’m a white man who has benefited greatly from my privilege over the years (even if I haven’t always been aware of it) so I know my voice probably shouldn’t be the loudest on this issue, but my god even I’m sick of how many talentless white men have infested this industry I love.

Though the GamerGate trolls have lessened in number since 2014 (or perhaps many of them have slunk back to their dank caves to hit their Juuls, wank, and blow the embedded food crumbs out from the crannies of their keyboards),

“This game seems incomplete and poorly made. This sucks, it feels more like DLC than a full game.”