
I'm not sure why we need to compare. Does anyone ever really win the "who's got it worse" game?

I don't really understand your point. So there's nothing wrong with being a burger flipper, but their life is definitely going to suck?

I am aware that I am not representative of all Roma, which is why I said that I *personally* am not bothered by Gypsy's name.

I'm Roma. Many of us in North America have reclaimed the word gypsy. I find it a bit funny that this is something people would name their kids, but am not personally bothered by it.

I think it's what people do when they like something even though they genuinely know that it's terrible. When I watch Top Model, for example, I sort of hate it for being so shitty, but I also love it for being so shitty. If I were a less secure person, I might be embarrassed by my own taste and pretend that I enjoy it

Oh shit, me too. Team Delena, right here.

For what it's worth, the Stanford insurance plan covers vision care but not dental.

Yep. This surprised me as well.

Here's one: http://www.glaad.org/reference/transgender

People often seem surprised that my husband (think young George Clooney meets Paul Rudd, but with tattoos) is so into me (think Lena Dunham, plus 40 pounds). It just happens that my husband has a pretty expansive conception of beauty, and he thinks I'm wicked cool. Haters can suck it.

Yeah, wow. I am totally skeeved out.

I hadn't seen those American Apparel capes before. They're great, and in my price range! Thanks for the tip.

Congrats on making it work! I think we're getting there too.

Wow, these are amazing. Great idea, thank you!

Pretty. Also - nice bling!

Also: EXERCISE. Running made a huge difference for me, but any type of increased activity is helpful. http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/depression-and-exercise/MH00043

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Have you tried meditation? It can be difficult to get started when you're feeling anxious. I think that the key is to get started at a time when you're not panicking. Like, if you're most calm at a certain time of day, meditate then. There are lots of youtube videos for beginners, like this one:

Fashion question: I'm pregnant and will need a new jacket in the spring (I know, it's blizzarding outside - mentally I'm several months ahead). I live in a cold city, where it's around 0 - 15ºC outside (32 - 60ºF) from March to May, and at that time I'll be about 5 - 7 months pregnant. I don't have a lot of money and

Sure. But what if you get married at 24 with the expectation of monogamy because that's just how marriage is done and you don't know that there are any other options, only to realize years later that monogamy really just isn't for you, even though you're still in love with your husband? Not that this has happened to

Thin mints are terrible.