
The funny thing about her parents is that Midge has grown up in this sheltered, privileged lifestyle without realizing that it was essentially provided by Columbia University.  The realization they’re not rich-rich is quite the shock.

Her combination of ambition and obliviousness are a tough combination when it comes to relationships.  

While I really liked Season 1 and thought Season 2 was ok, one of the reasons why I pretty much did the watch-the-episode-in-15-minutes skip ahead technique in Seasons 3 and 4 is that I found the show’s insistence of portraying Midge as this airbrushed trailblazing heroine teeth-grindingly incompatible with the

This. They had a relationship, maybe a business partnership. But it was never a friendship. Mostly because Midge is an asshole. But also partly because Susie is stubborn (and not terribly good at business for most of the show). Midge views relationships as mostly transactional, a trait she picked up from her parents

Yup. All of Midge’s relationships are one sided. She doesn’t wake up in the morning and say “how can I use my ex-husband to further my career today?” but when she has a conflict and needs someone to take care of the kids so she can do a show, she knows she can call on him and he will say yes while at the same time she

Their relationship has been turned into a transactional game of give and take, with Susie doing all the giving.

Good, then we’re all in agreement.

Gorgeous women just love it when you ignore everything they say and focus on their looks.

A lot of words to say, “I was mad they cut a scene from Little Women I was in and I’ve thrown a 2 year tantrum over it.” 


Supposedly, Gerwig wanted Emma Stone, but she wasn’t available so Amy Pascal decided to replace her with Watson. Gerwig then cut down the part.

It was very difficult to have to be the face and the spokesperson for things where I didn’t get to be involved in the process.”

Okay, let’s not act out murder scenarios with our puppets, okay?

 I wish him nothing but the worst.

There was a rebel village five clicks down the road. Word came down from top brass: make it disappear. We…we didn’t know any better. We were…we were kids! I watched myself pick up the flamethrower…I just…went…OFF!

Top Five all time SNL skits.  

Nobody was laughing out loud that day in Grenada. But many people were saying OMG. Me, I was saying TTYL to my innocence.

I’d rather see an Anthony Peter Coleman origin flick, centering on his time in Grenada.

As much as I don’t trust corporations at all and think Disney as one is a monster (though I do love a lot of the IP and the parks), this feels good. I’d genuinely trust Disney with overseeing the parks considering how many guests they see and how they know the parks need to be safe and clean in order to actually keep