
Oh boy.

It's Kevin Conroy. It's always Kevin Conroy. Now to read the comments and see who else has already said this.

He’s not Kevin Conroy so he’s not the best. But he was funny.

This is a very well written piece. Further, I am a big fan of Harley Quinn, Deidrich Bader, and his work on the same.

Nope. Bader’s Harley Quinn Batman isn’t even his best Batman.

For those who haven’t seen it, Batman: The Brave and the Bold is streaming on HBO Max. It even has the best version of Aquaman seen on screen, sorry Jason Mamoa.

lol no, it’s Kevin Conroy. He is #2 though.

Exactly; their caricatures of Irish Travelers, a minority ethnic group in the UK.

He was also one of Will Smith’s uncles on Fresh Prince. And of course, his most celebrated role...

Now playing

And Batman isn’t even Kevin Conroy’s best superhero role...

Now playing

Still not Bader’s finest animated voicework:

I do not find the Harfoots endearing. Wish I did. I’m not sure if it’s their dialogue, the acting, or just the general hokey demeanor of it all.

He’s not quite as good as Kevin Conroy but he’s a close second in my book.

If it WAS free on YouTube instead of a paying screening at TIFF, this would’ve been fine.

This is starting to sound like what WB’s doing with DC - if they can’t make two billion dollars every single time they’re not even interested.

I was honestly thinking “she chose WW 3 over a new Star Wars movie?  Did she even see WW 2???”  And then I realized she probably did, but immediately forgot it just like everyone else.

Imagine the possibilities with Force Ghosts!

Remember in Wonder Woman 84 when WW used the body an unconscious/non-consenting man for sex and put it repeatedly in harm’s way?

Earthworm Jim was a SNES game not a web game as far as I am aware.