Everything Geoff Keighley does feels like a giant commercial. No authenticity to it whatsoever.
Everything Geoff Keighley does feels like a giant commercial. No authenticity to it whatsoever.
He has always been my Batman, and will always be. All other Batman performances pale in comparison to his. He is who I hear in my head when I read any Batman comic; it’s been that way for decades and will never change. As far as I’m concerned, he is Batman, or the closest thing to him there is.
One Piece has indeed been on hiatus before: when the timeskip happened over a decade ago, for a whole month.
Mori does have the skills. At least I believe he does. Holyland and Sousei no Taiga demonstrate that much, I think.
Mori’s a good one. Holyland is fantastic, and his current work, Sousei no Taiga, is pretty damn good too.
I’ll be generous: Given this...I say Giant Bomb’s got 18 months before it goes under.
Wow. I had not seen the CW Gotham Knights trailer until now, but holy hell...that is some hot flaming garbage.
Goddammit, this one hurts. RIP.
Get Super Metroid.
I hate this. I haven’t had any love for EA in a quarter-century, but EA being swallowed up by another corporate behemoth? No thanks to that.
*sigh* Whatever.
$45 is great if we get a physical release. Hell, I’d pay $60 for this as a physical release.
If there was a way to extract anything and everything in this game to do with the sequel trilogy and the other Disney SW movies, toss all that in the garbage, and sell the rest, I’d snap that up in a heartbeat.
Maybe Gomez doesn’t deserve hate. He definitely deserves ridicule, though. And lots of it.
Whatever it takes to drive a stake through the heart of Facebook, I am for.