
Jim Ryan may well be disheartened, though I think that’s only because of any potential blowback that could come his way. But stunned? Give me a break. There’s no way he didn’t know that Bobby Kotick was like this. There’s no way any of them didn’t know.

Over 2 decades of reading the manga and watching the anime and I’m still not bored with it. I look forward to every new chapter and episode. One Piece is a treat that I’m glad I’ve never gotten sick and tired of, nor ever will. And that’s a testament to Oda himself, and all the other people in Japan as well as here in

Of course he knew. Of course he took part in it. It’s his company. It behaves this way because he and his buddies running it behave this way. The rot always starts at the top.

So it was exactly what I and a lot of other people thought it was.

I love that people are trying to do this because Bobby Kotick is scum and has been from the start. But that POS isn’t going anywhere. Some people yelling at him on social media and a hundred people protesting isn’t going to do jack, unfortunately.

So Amouranth makes millions doing all of this. Meaning that, whatever anyone else thinks of what she’s doing, it’s definitely not the wrong thing. You go on and keep doing what you’re doing, madam. Millions! Jesus. Good for her.

Nothing about this adaptation has felt right. And lo and behold, it isn’t.

It acually sounds like this is the exception and Barsanti nailed it.

The funny thing about Hot Coffee is that it’s one of the most boring things I’ve ever played. All that sturm und drang over a nothing-mod like that one.

This adaptation has much bigger problems than its drab, bland color palette.

I still have my launch 60GB fat PS3. It eventually YLOD’d, but I got it fixed and it’s still ticking. Still runs pretty much everything PS1-PS2 related as well.

I still don’t think this can work, but I will say this: the OP live-action show did a much better job of casting its characters than Cowboy Bebop ever did. Especially Jacob Gibson. That dude...it’s right there in the face. If you gave him the nose he’d be a dead-ringer for Usopp. It’s so freaky.

I have no idea what to think about this. Oda obviously gave the thumbs up to all 5 of these people. But One Piece in live action? It makes adapting Dune look like child’s play.


I trust Adi Shankar. Castlevania proves that he knows what he’s doing.

Aaron Rodgers is a moron, a dick, and a douchebag. And now everyone knows it. Good.

Moving your own stuff sucks. Moving someone else’s is a lot more fun.

There is no way a Hollywood adaptation of Gantz will manage to get how bonkers and extreme it gets. And really, if you aren’t going to go there, you shouldn’t try. Just leave it be.

I could roll with that explanation, too. There’s no reason to give any business exec any benefit of the doubt.