
Yeah...I don’t think he’s sorry about it at all. He’s just sorry that he has to deal with the negative fallout from his dumbass statements.

My negative view of shippers is formed just like everyone else’s: through experience.

So rather than just allowing these characters to evolve naturally, or let them be friends or rivals, shippers jump into the fray attempting to define these two as lovers, because all they can do is fantasize endlessly about various characters’ love lives and get toxic about it in the process. Yeah, this won’t end well.

Now if Mr. Baldwin could just kill off the rest of the movie.

I never thought I would have a worse gaming experience than I did playing Deadly Towers for the NES as a kid. Until I started playing Gone Home. 5 minutes of that walking simulator was enough for me to shut that game down and never look back.

On disc? Seriously? I was looking around a few months ago and there was no physical PS4 listing. That’s good to hear! I’m going to get that one instead.

I’m glad they don’t want to remake the movie, but there’s just something off about doing this whole thing. Big Trouble in Little China is such a wonderful, particular thing...trying to continue it now sounds like a solution that is over 3 decades too late.

I love that this game exists and had it pre-ordered months ago...but I just wish it was getting a PS4 release.

Nice! This is definitely going to be gotten by yours truly. Any hope of the Japanese dub being included with this? And will it be digital only or on disc?

Respect the office of the president, eh? While Trump is in it?


Sigh. Goddammit.

Well this is pretty “meh” news. Dominic Monaghan seems to be a decent person from what I’ve heard, though, so kudos to him.

Someone’s been using the plumbus a bit too much lately, hasn’t he?

Well, sure you didn’t have a map. So you played the game the way you played something like Zelda - you explored. And in your head you developed a “mental map” of sorts that became clearer to you the more you played the game. And you would play the game a lot. There was a ton of trial and error and a lot of bombing


Good! Melt it down for scrap and then get to work on tearing down every other Confederate monument. Then melt those down for scrap, too.

The best option is one that, if you’re lucky, you have the privilege of using: getting both!