
Maybe we get SSB Broly. Or Ultra Instinct Broly. *shrugs* I’ll watch it, regardless. And now Broly is canon. I wonder if the next thing they do is to make Cooler canon.

HOLY SHIT it looks like Dune II! Time to boot up ye olde 386!

What in the hell are you talking about.

I’m pretty sure I can spell what the title of this movie will be:

So Broly’s going to be canon?

Oda, I love you, but man...you aren’t even trying. Your Goku is Luffy with a funky hairstyle and an orange gi.

So it’s not a fighting game ala DBFZ.

You can but you shouldn’t. JoJo deserves to be watched chronologically, in all its epic glory.

A good opinion! But no, you aren’t going to find it anywhere, unfortunately.

I mean, is this what it has come to? That anywhere up to 1/3 of the games I buy every year are re-releases of games I already own? I bet next they’ll remake Vampire: The Masquerade - Redemption and ask me to re-buy the CE.

Ah yes. GameStop. FYE. Hot Topic. The places everyone thinks of first when they think of breakfast cereal. /s

Tumblr is the crystallization of fandom and everything wrong with it.

So that’s Spike in the GIF. James Marsters. Re-Mars-tered. It took me a minute or two to get it, too.

Clever! :)

As someone who watched it when he was a kid, and liked it when he was a kid, I can tell you this: you really don’t need to if you don’t want to.

Keep in mind that Rasmussen is the conservative pollster of choice. Fox News loves them. So take everything they say and just throw it in the garbage, because it usually exists to re-inforce some bullshit conservative talking point or idea.