Fringe had about as much to do with Alex Kurtzman as Bob Orci and J.J. Abrams did, which was very little. The real showrunners of that show were Pinkner and Wyman. Credit those two with what Fringe became.
Fringe had about as much to do with Alex Kurtzman as Bob Orci and J.J. Abrams did, which was very little. The real showrunners of that show were Pinkner and Wyman. Credit those two with what Fringe became.
I don’t like Beyond either. But just rubbed me the wrong way. Ripping off Wrath of Khan like it did. And badly at that. Magic Augment blood. Having the Enterprise emerge from underwater even though it’s a goddamn starship. The whole movie had this profound disdain and dislike for Trek and Trek fans.
Oh! Maybe it just wasn’t your thing then. That’s cool.
When did you see it? I think when it first came out, it really felt visually fresh, vibrant, and engaging. These days there are so many works inspired by it that it might feel run-of-the-mill.
Yeah, they didn’t do her any favors having her be such a dick to Data. Past that I liked her.
see below re: shutting the fuck up
Uday and Qusay don’t get along anymore eh?
If I were a writer, you’re damn straight I would be!
Not a fan of Ben Stein, eh? Understandable. He’s an ass.
I know. Star Trek Into Darkness is worse. That’s how bad it is. I would rather watch eye cancer like Nemesis than STID.
I don’t think CBS is in the habit of having shows go over budget, especially this one. I think part of the appeal for Les Moonves to do this was that Netflix was basically footing the bill for the production of the show.
It’s a comments section. Respond however you like. And I’ll reflect the same sentiment towards you in return.
I think a show that relies on cheap gimmicks (like endless plot twists), bad writing, bad characterization, and lazy fanservice (the Enterprise showing up at the end of the season) to distract from all of the above is something I’d call an unqualified disaster. Feel free to disagree.
What can I say? A lot of people have a grand tolerance for crap.
Yes but Kurtzman is still there. How long do you think it takes before Bob Orci slithers his way in?
We already got him with Star Trek Into Darkness. Worst Trek movie of all time, and it isn’t even close.
Why do people hate on Pulaski so much? She’s basically a lady Bones.
You shouldn’t compare ST:D to DS9. It’s like comparing a week-old hamburger from McDonalds to a Double-Double Animal Style from In-N-Out.