

Bakugo’s no villain, but boy is he an asshole.

The FGC keeps growing and growing. It’s all just great. More of this, please!


All they have to do is just go chronologically. Release DLC that way so that you can nicely explore Battletech history up to the Clan Invasion, and then I can get my Timber Wolf.

I just want clan mechs. GIVE ME CLAN MECHS.

(And #1 will always be the original, the one and only: Donkey Kong.)

I should think God would give you a gold star for that.

This is fantastic, and needs to happen everywhere. EVERYWHERE.

I’ll admit Discovery would be a lot more tolerable if it took place some years after ST: Nemesis. I don’t think it would be good, but at least it would fit better.

Jimmy Fallon, you suck.

There is no saving the Kelvin-verse movies. They are all unadulterated crap. And Paramount shouldn’t be making more of them. They should be (once Viacom and CBS merge back together) cancelling Discovery and replacing it with a Star Trek show that is, you know, actually good.

Yeah, I think I’ll go see Infinity War.

Hopefully the price drop on Wolfenstein II means that a GOTY edition is around the corner for it.

Hopefully the price drop on Wolfenstein II means that a GOTY edition is around the corner for it.

Oh yes. I am getting this.