That goddamn fruit juice commercial of his was so ubiquitous when it was on. Every time I see Richard Lewis on TV, I keep expecting him to say “is that too much to ask?” Drives me nuts.
Lemme guess: he’s going to become the new spokesman for BoKu Fruit Juice Cooler from McCain.
That was adapted into an episode of the 2003 TMNT cartoon series. It’s pretty great.
This is a very nice poll that seems weighted towards the past 10-20 years or so.
Definitely not being sarcastic. I think expansion packs are the way to go with DLC.
Yes! Kill all microtransactions! Bring back expansion packs!
Maybe the tiny few who watch those CW shows are really into it, but that’s not why those CW shows get renewed.
Come on, man. Dominion was bad.
I had no idea that it was that Dominion demo that got the SC team to change their game. I thought it was solely due to the lukewarm reception their initial SC demo (based off the WC2 engine) got.
It’s such a simple formula yet so goddamn delicious. It doesn’t get much better than that.
You are not a massive bore. You are, in fact, quite right in the head. There’s nothing boring about nigiri. It’s amazing.
Not yet. I think it will.