
I hope so, this is actually something we as human being need to have a real conversation about. Today a 15 years old young trans girl was stabbed in the US. The level of violence in Michelle Goldberg article was too much to stomach for me.

And you can keep mocking all you want, I don't give a shit. But it's pretty clear that your brand of feminism ain't shit.

Last time I check, I don't get a payday by Jezbel. Also posting one comment=/= complaining. But let defend white feminism.

last time i check I'm not getting paid by jezebel. I just find it interesting that feminists who want to be all about intersectionality aren't even talking about one of the greatest problem the movement is facing. Especially when Michelle Goldberg was all over the mainstream media like the NYT with her trans-phobia.

No thanks, I don't need to tell mainstream feminist site why they should be talking about an actual feminist issue instead of the crap they have been writing about Bieber.

I find it interesting that in a week like this one when so Many TERF have been attacking Trans women, there is no articles about it on a feminist site like this one.

I'm sorry but people who get but-hurt by Willow tweet are way more annoying then she will ever be.

This girl is a monster.

Bitch please,

Great, why couldn't them hired someone who isn't a zionist for this role.

They are not Chinese, At least from the worlds on the wall were she is prisoner, it's not Chinese.

Stereotype savage Brown people-check

LOL Kristen moody ass is sure as hell better than your bitter ass.

Also LOL you know how much Hercule has already made oversea?

Of course white feminists will be all over this racist piece of shit movie. Never change white feminists.

And the other half aren't stupids jokes right?

This place is full of Hypocrite. Every time a men is victim of violence committed by women, cEveryone here start making stupid jokes as if it's funny.

yes let make fun of domestic violence when men are the victim.

I hope the dude divorce her. And she is thrown to jail.

And nowhere did I attack. I told her she could so her own research but apparently it wasn't good enough as an answer. Look I'm out.