What always cracks me up is that part where the backup singers sing "I've got! I've got!"
What always cracks me up is that part where the backup singers sing "I've got! I've got!"
Partly because since Enterprise (the series) "anything new" has meant a formulaic rehash with just enough recognizable fanbait to keep the franchise alive. Since the studio currently sees Trek as an IP cash cow they have been unwilling to take create chances to do anything new with it.
I would trade the current Who soundtrack scores for the ones from the 1970s anyday. Spare me Murray Gold's loud generic adventure serial tunes and hook me up with some synths orchestrated by Dudley Simpson, Malcolm Clarke, Paddy Kingsland, etc.
That's a big "if". There is not much particular or distinctive to the style of dress. And I don't know in what sense Star Trek is a counterpart franchfrise to anything else.
I dislike mid-length hair, like shoulder or bob length. So the problem is often that the hair would look better longer OR shorter. Close-cropped or shaven. Guys who can't handle being attracted to a bald women are secretly infatuated with strands of protein spaghetti riding atop people's heads..
What I remember about Felicity was that it was a series where the ads provided no explanation of what
Look, just shut up and tell me the answer!
Shut up AND tell you the answer?
Thank you…"John"?
Yeah, "John" is the answer.
Crop rotation in the 14th century was considerably more widespread after… John?
…Lloyd invented the patent crop rotator.
Oh, yes, I knew it, I bloody knew it!
You didn't, you…
…or if the object of your affections is in actual trouble, with other people trying to murder them. He sells it that the stakes are legitimately higher than him being a self-centered creep who must get the girl at any cost. It's a fine line between persistence and respect which is hard to pull off.
I think that the Susan references have been too numerous and specific to be mere coincidence, but I very much doubt that Bill just happens to be an older timelady trying to act as a quirky human college student. From how things are set up now, that would be a massive leap.
I thought that Light was Liberace.
The Rani is never lupus.
"All the meta-questions ('Why are the seats back from the console? Don't
two hearts give you crazy blood pressure?') could do with a rest as
And - don't tell me - you are allergic to pussies!
Even - AroundTheCornerProjectionOfDeadlyTouchTarantulaSpiders!
Subverting the end of "Curse of Fatal Death"?
Wibbly-wobbly, oily-leaky?
I instantly flashed back to the 4th Doctor explaining to Leela how the TARDIS works with the different size cubes.
The teaser trailer that introduced Bill left me a bit unimpressed, so I was not looking forward to her character. But I loved her in this episode.
They are an animated corpse which is connected to the United computer system. If they were to be disconnected, everyone would know and it would spoil the illusion.
That's very "Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos".