Popo Cutty Petal

Yet he was released from the hospital the SAME day. If you have a brain hemorrhage you’re not getting released that quickly. All they did was make sure he didn’t have a brain bleed but you’d know that if you didn’t read fash propaganda. .

Yeah in fact he actually just goes around and doxxes people. So these people defending him are full of shit. Also they’re alt-reich trolls.

LOL. You are a hate apologist.

1. Not a journalist, a hate-peddling charlatan.

The article, if you had even bothered to read it, is not about Antifa radicals preaching anarchy, nor a puff piece about antifascists / antifascism, it is entirely about the rise of white supremacy and what VARIOUS groups are doing about it. Your comment is a clear reminder of what happens to people when they refuse

I have heard a lot of white nationalists say the same things.

Bullshit neo nazi talking points to make the other side of the argument seem “just as bad”. Antifa’s entire point is to stop assholes like you from killing brown kids and lynching gay people. Fuck your right wing.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Someone post the gifs of the fash getting knocked out.

Honestly kind of just sounds like you fell for the fash propaganda.

Neo-Nazi/white supremacist/far right kill people.  They are domestic terrorists - the majority of domestic terrorism (extreme violence and murder) is done by the far right.  Antifa has a death count of zero.  I hate violence too, but let’s not lose sight of reality here.  The Proud Boys are a terrorist organization,

  You triggered the neo-nazi apologists hard with this one. Will no-one think of the poor fascists and their hurt feelings?

Lol Andy Ngo isn’t a journalist and anyone who’s read through a few of his columns would probably hesitate to claim he has a brain; I place about as much credence in his “brain hemorrhage” as he does in hate crimes against LGBT people or the supposed rubber cement in those Antifa Molotov Milkshakes.

I sincerely hope you were the one beaten with said crowbar.

I don't know you, yet I'm sure you never completed medical school.  Don't try to make up science as a shield for your bigotry.

It’s just women that are dying though, and as long as we make sure that the white babies survive so that they can grow up poor and uneducated and thus vote Republican (or not vote at all), I mean, where’s the problem?

Ugh to clarify, I resent being used as a weapon against all marginalized people. My post can come across as erasing the trans experience, and I apologize for that; I was thinking specifically about this case targeting a WOC.

The whole point is that she’s Michael Phelps or Usain Bolt or similar. She’s a woman who has a condition that in it of itself does not confer on her any specific advantage. Why some genetics are considered in the realm of “normal” and others aren’t is stupid, and the science is clear on that. Unless you are creating

I have never seen “protect women” used in a way that doesn’t defend bigotry of some kind. I resent being used as a weapon against POC, especially against WOC.

Gender normalcy, and the concept of what women and men are "supposed" to be is the whole problem. She has her head buried in the past about the subject, and I'd be willing to take bets that she probably doesn't think much of transgender people based on how much she has dug her heels in on this subject.