
Just finished “American Gods” and I agree 100%, It’s weird. Fascinating read tho... have you read Neverwhere? It was my first Neil Gaiman novel and I think it’s still my fave.

So I’m sure this works on some levels of anxiety but I read the other day on FB that instead of deep breaths, you should say “I’m excited!” over and over (and try to really mean it) to bullshit your anxiety into turning into a positive emotion. I’ve been trying it and it sorta helps.

I grew up catholic-ish, I say -ish because my mom wasn’t the going-to-church-every-Sunday type. In my teenage years I told her I didn’t want to go to church anymore and after a few guilt trips she just let me stop going. My family still celebrates many of the catholic ceremonies (baptism, weddings, death services,

oh god, she looks so proud to be 9 months old, congrats! I want one.

High five! I’m trying to move to a new city in four months, with car payments... so I’m trying to save up as much as money as possible so I have a safety net while I get a new awesome job.

Usually “tiny murder in my pants” style, with some pain but manageable. I’m thinking of finally buying a diva cup.

What are tahini choc chic cookies?! I’m intrigued...

Conplicates patterns 😂

Nice! My grandma broke out the eggnog last night, we cheered and then had to go to bed.

An adult colouring book for mom and a poster of trees found in my university for dad. Not expensive but they loved them :D

Happy holidays to all of you beautiful jezzies! I hope you have a great time with loved ones and if you’re loved ones drive you as crazy as mine, I hope you have enough wine and drinks handy.

I read this article on Upworthy about a guy building modern teepees that could house up to 20 people and were insulated.

It could be the wine but yeah, I’m there with you.

So may Socials!


His face would’ve been priceless.

I was looking for this thread! Quick story time:

I think some of the outrage comes from the fact that there was a woman on the shortlist this year to be Secretary General and making Wonder Woman the Ambassador this year felt a bit like a consolation prize.

I’m listening to In the Dark which is covering the Jason Wetterling case. It’s very interesting.

I’m sure I should’ve gotten a polar bear as well (or maybe a grizzly), but as patronuses can easily change I chose to not care about the quiz and stick with ‘my patronus is a bear’ story.