popcorn that pops

@Platypus Man: I watched the show several times and it seemed they wern't the best of friends.


I really just want a company to make something just as good looking as Apple products but kicks Apples ass in the specs. Can ANYONE do this for me please!

iPad, or awesome water thing. AWESOME WATER THING WINS!

I believe I will be banned for this comment!

@Standish: I wouldn't exactly call Microsoft the little guy... WAY more people use Windows than Mac OSX.

@ddhboy: @FaceTimeSmoke you just got served!

@KamWrex: I have that too bud except i don't even have any data so this doesn't apply to me at all.

@Go Vols!: This thing sucks major balls but you asked what HP has been doing which is the PalmPad.

@CheeNOMNOMNOM: I know, I really want the PalmPad if it has decent specs.

@jblues: I agree, all he did was just pointing fingers away from Apple. I love Apple but that was lame especially the YouTube video at the start.

@Yengwa: Its almost necessary to chill white wine for the best flavor while red wine has its best flavor without chilling.

Is the music a joke, do people actually like that?

@clearbox: I see an ignorant apple fanboy... as I type on my Macbook Pro and listen to music on my iPad with an iPod touch in my pocket.

Stanford came up with the laser. Stanford is still my favorite.

I liked the 50 Cent reference, it added a nice touch.

@sip: LucasFilms is probably developing one right now and this is their plan to stomp out other lightsabers.