I was already mad enough that she won’t be back for anymore Star Wars films. This just makes it worse.
I was already mad enough that she won’t be back for anymore Star Wars films. This just makes it worse.
Am I the only one who buys the Harry Potter box just to pick out all of the booger flavor? Booger flavor is delicious.
I was going to say that this was missing the cartoon Oregonians telling people not to come to Oregon and blaming Californians for every problem on Earth. Also missing the homeless person on every corner because state government wants to do nothing to help, the cartoon rednecks that populate most of the state that’s…
I generally enjoyed the film and liked most of the things Johnson was going for, but it has some problems. None of them are film killers, but there are definitely some problems.
Poe looked like an asshole, anyway. I was on Holdo’s side the entire time.
It’s not like Kristen Wiig is unattractive, man. I agree she’s a left field choice for a super villain, but you’re talking like she’s Quasimodo. She’s proven herself in dramatic roles and she’s definitely capable of playing in the alpha villain. I saw someone post this version of Cheetah elsewhere -
I’m not reading this article, because I’m only two episodes in, but let me just tell you how deflating it is to read this headline at only two episodes in. I’m about done with these Marvel shows.
Serious question here - If you want to make superhero movies so badly that you’re willing to buy the creations from Liefeld and Millar that hardly anyone has heard of or cares about, wouldn’t it be better and cheaper to just make up something original? I never understand why companies pay for IPs that hold no public…
That and also this movie looks like it’s geared towards kids and is extremely earnest and sentimental in it’s approach. It looks terrible to me, but I’m not the target audience and I remember how my parents reacted to The Dark Crystal and Never Ending Story.
That’s it!
It will be hard to follow the episode because all of the scenes will air out of order.
I’m a Chinese man with a black man’s commenter name and the avatar of a dead white woman. Good luck casting me.
Everything about the marketing has been exhausting and discouraging. I really don’t want to spend two hours trying to catch every single blink and you’ll miss it pop culture Easter egg this thing is trying to cram into it’s run time. The book wasn’t good in the first place. I’ll just wait for inevitable “Here’s Every…
Forget it, Jake. It’s Twitter town.
Wasn’t The Man Show on like twenty-years ago or so? The guy isn’t able to grow up and change in that time period? I mean, Adam Carolla obviously didn’t, but still. I don’t exactly get his current position as a progressive figurehead, either, but I don’t know that being on a show with women in bikinis early in his…
I don’t have a problem with the costume or the actor or anything like that. This just seems like a bad idea from a bad studio.
Because the DCEU have fumbled all of their A list characters but one and if the public no longer trusts them with Batman and Superman, good luck selling the C list characters. Also charming, goofy and wacky don’t seem to be in that studio’s wheelhouse. I just can’t get the warm and fuzzies over anything they’re trying…
They’re really, seriously, actually going through with this, huh?
The problem went beyond inexperience with Rivera. Ta Nehisi Coates struggled a little with with the form of the medium at first too, but you always got the sense that he loved and understood the Marvel world he was working in and when his stories weren’t really finding the right rhythm for a comic book, he was still…