
Caterham's doors closed in Leafield

"Ferrari is now American, which represents the end of an era." - Montezelomo

Standing in a full bus.

Replace "tennis players" with "Antonio Cromartie" and "sunscreen" with "condoms" and you have my interest.

I think the difference is that your video shows a HUGE break sliding into the water causing a directional wave. The other video has an iceberg braking apart, with the wave dispersing in all directions. Not saying that either are safe. But your video shows a really dangerous situation.

Sorry folks...

Pretty awesome of FIFA to pick someone who built the stadium to do the first kick.

Now playing

I swear there is a better one where the dude lands nearly vertically, but I may be imagining things.

Oh yes. That could explain it too

I consider myself a huge vag fan.

Close enough

Now playing

You didn't specify what kind of airplane...

Miata owners...

Because it's not that great of a car that Jalopnik makes it out to be.

on top of being the greatest guitarist Jimi Hendrix ever saw...

Ford Bronco - America wants its Truck Based, Short Wheel Base, Utilitarian SUVs back.