a people
a people
Caterham's doors closed in Leafield
"Ferrari is now American, which represents the end of an era." - Montezelomo
Standing in a full bus.
Replace "tennis players" with "Antonio Cromartie" and "sunscreen" with "condoms" and you have my interest.
I think the difference is that your video shows a HUGE break sliding into the water causing a directional wave. The other video has an iceberg braking apart, with the wave dispersing in all directions. Not saying that either are safe. But your video shows a really dangerous situation.
What's a Merlot Bro-ham?
Sorry folks...
Pretty awesome of FIFA to pick someone who built the stadium to do the first kick.
I swear there is a better one where the dude lands nearly vertically, but I may be imagining things.
Oh yes. That could explain it too
I consider myself a huge vag fan.
Close enough
You didn't specify what kind of airplane...
What about Silver Car? They only rent Silver Audi A4's You always know what car you are going to get. https://www.silvercar.com/#/
Miata owners...
Because it's not that great of a car that Jalopnik makes it out to be.
on top of being the greatest guitarist Jimi Hendrix ever saw...
Ford Bronco - America wants its Truck Based, Short Wheel Base, Utilitarian SUVs back.