60% of the time it works every time

It may be a bit of a tinfoil hat idea, but I really wonder if the media isn’t hyping up this pettiness to distract from more valid conversations around this, which you have touched on. Specifically that women should not become invisible or be seen as crazy, mockable etc just because they no longer fit what the male

I’m not able to read Weiner’s article without a subscription, but I almost caved so that I can, because the quotes here don’t seem congruent with the title. I think there has to be space to criticize culture’s treatment of women without making it a personal attack, and I can’t help but wonder if the NYT chose that

Yeah, this comes across as: “Oh you want to sexualize young girls, well what if I want you to? What if I do it first? Sure showed you”, in the same vein as “You can’t fire me because I quit.” The end result is the same, you’ve just convinced yourself that you wanted it.

It’s been used to get out of manslaughter convictions as well. A case in Canada the woman died of a 4 inch tear in her vaginal wall with a blood alcohol content too high to consent, and the man was acquitted of manslaughter because somehow she consented and somehow he didn’t notice she was bleeding out and left her

If you have a strong stomach, look up the Cindy Gladue case. She bled out from a 4 inch long tear in her vaginal wall, but the man was acquitted of both first degree murder and manslaughter because of the claim it was consensual rough sex, despite her blood alcohol level being too high for consent anyway.

Exactly the same in Canada. Conservatives increased the deficit while Liberals/NDP decreased it, yet somehow Conservatives have the reputation for being fiscally responsible. 

You could look into oil cleansing. I find it a bit too oily on its own, so I mix almond oil with unpasteurized honey. Smells amazing, feels amazing.

Have you heard of The Ordinary? They have a lot of cheap, cruelty free, fragrance free single active products. That way you can find one or two things that work and stick with them, while avoiding all the unnecessary ingredients that can irritate skin. For non-oily moisture I highly recommend hyaluronic acid. I also

Same. I have enough of a butt, but no hips at all, a wide ribcage and not much of a waist. High-waisted looks like a big square diaper on me.

Oat milk is so easy and cheap to make. You need 1/2 a cup of oats per 3 cups of water which can cost anywhere from 20 to 50 cents. Blend, strain, add a touch of salt or sweetner if you like. Done. One recipe I saw said to add a teaspoon of coconut oil to make a coffee creamer version. Then you can use the pulp in

Government subsidies because of dairy and meat lobbying groups, and atrocious conditions for the animals because it’s cheaper.

I can’t afford nice antiques but have found a few gems at thrift stores and garage sales. Solid wood will outlast 5 generations of particleboard shit. And dovetail joints? Swoon.

Can we have an extreme cold version of this post? I’m in need of new boots. I walk 25 minutes to work most days in average -25C but up to -40C (-13 to -40F). I need ones with some support around the ankle so they don’t rub and cause blisters. Lots of room in the toes to fit warmers if needed. Minimum 400g insulation.

Can we have an extreme cold version of this post? I’m in need of new boots. I walk 25 minutes to work most days in

And to add to that, a big reason why gangs are appealing to people is because they can feel like a family and they can offer protection if you are marginalized and sick of being ground down. It’s pretty rare for a person to chose that life if they are already in a good space. If we do a better job of caring for the

I work in and live adjacent to what’s considered the worst part of my city. People left here with nothing would fare better than they would if dropped off in a rich neighbourhood. People who are poor understand what it’s like and are often more open to helping others despite having less to give. Though I would like to

I liked the first season of JJ too, but gave up fairly quickly on the second season. I realized that she is textbook badass cool girl to appeal to the male audience and couldn’t unsee it. The traits she is celebrated for are so masculine: super strength, emotionless, can drink anyone under the table, not

Makes me fucking ill.

It still gets worse. With the veterinarian victim from Hyderabad, her name was a trending search on porn sites. I heard it happened with this poor woman as well, but I can’t bring myself to look for an article about it.

Exactly this, and I think it’s why the op said the current administration emboldened them, not created them. Trump isn’t responsible for the existence of misogynistic violence, but having a president like this normalizes and legitimizes that mindset to a lot of people. I can’t find statistics specifically for this

If you are ok with genuine high-waisted and 40s-50s styles, look up freddies of pinewood. They are reproduction vintage style jeans with thick denim(no lycra at all) and curvier shapes. Their ‘slim-hip’ styles are made for a 10 inch hip to waist difference but most styles are curvier. That’s at the true waist, usually