60% of the time it works every time

The comments on youtube/facebook were somehow worse than I expected? Or maybe it was the volume of them? I wish I could laugh it off but it really brought me down. I guess there’s always a backlash to any attempt at progression but damn if this world doesn’t look pretty ugly sometimes.

Banana peppers, pineapple and feta. The perfect mix of salty, sweet and spicy.

Agree, and I think it’s related to binary black & white thinking, which is also over prevalent. It’s how people who’ve decided something is good refuse to see the bad aspects of it and vice versa. Democrat vs Republican, rich vs poor. God vs Satan. Economy vs environment etc etc. And why people cling so tightly to

Yes! You can often buy the egg sacs from garden shops as a natural pesticide. 

I think another potential issue with it is that as an attractive woman you internalize that your value is in your attractiveness. Then as you age you feel awful because you no longer look like what society deems hot/pretty.You’re so used to getting attention - good and bad - for your looks that you don’t know how to

And stop giving tax breaks.

I don’t get the negativity either. This is a musical genre I usually strongly dislike but I was impressed. I thought she sounded great.

I think it’s in nearly every denomination to some level or another. Christianity is patriarchal and hierarchical, as are most other organized religions. I really think abuse is part of the design. It happens with church leadership, and within individual families as well. The mentality is that God is the only

YES! I’m in the same place. See also: stories that may center around women at some parts but were so clearly written from a male perspective. 

I agree with the person above who said that you are nitpicking. She distilled her point in a specific way because she had limited time as a presenter at this event. She didn’t have time to read a novel. She tried to make that point near the end of her speech when she said replace the phrase good men with white people,

My feminist ex cooked for me all the time while we were dating. Then when we moved in together he complained about how I didn’t appreciate him or praise him enough when he made dinner once every two months. It’s been same old every single time, so I’m done with trying to live with someone. 

I got their powder version and mix 1/2 a scoop with 3 drops of the Reservatrol & Ferulic and I love it. A bit finicky but seems to work very well.

I’m always surprised at how difficult it is to get a band size smaller than 32 in North America. I need a 30, yet there are many people smaller framed than me. Do they buy training bras?

Canada Goose is pretty well known for animal cruelty. It breaks my heart that it’s considered a luxury brand despite this.

Natori had about 30 in my size, none of them a style that works for me. Nordstrom about the same. The worst part is import duties to canada are brutal. I’d have to pay 20-30% extra, plus shipping, for everything. And the fees aren’t returned if you return an item. 

I’ve joined a bra-making group on facebook and follow a few accounts on instagram that seem helpful. I’m excited about the ability to make adjustments as needed, somewhat daunted by learning something new with so many potential parameters. Some of the experienced people say they can make a bra in about 4 hours, which

My experience with Wacoal was that if the band fit, the wire was too small while the cup was too big at the same time. It’s almost like I need a C/D wire with a B/A cup. Aerie are all the modern molded cup/t-shirt or bralette style which just do not work with my shape. Natori has 2-3 styles that might work but

It’s not a problem if and when you want to be sexy. The problem comes in when you feel like it is expected of you all the time. When other important aspects are diminished in the face of it. When you feel less than because you can’t fit into that mold. Girls as young as 7 are already aware that they are valued more

Unfortunately I have had bad luck there too. Right now there isn’t anything available in my size, when there is I don’t care for the style. I bought something from them once many years ago, but again the cups too close together was a problem. Plus being Canadian, the shipping, exchange rate and import duties hike the

I’m small in both frame and cup (30C), and I’ve recently realized that I’ve never had a bra fit properly. Most North American companies don’t make my size, I don’t like most popular modern styles. Padding is awful, I need more support and shape than stretchy thin bralettes can provide and am not interested in