
It's not just the South. Midwest has plenty of those too. As do a lot Black communities. Basically, the country is full of self-righteous dipshit preacher type assholes that feel the need to meddle in other people's business.

His wife's in a coma.

He's just a n*** who loves titties.

Yeah. Not sure where the libertarian comes from. On social issues, sure. He sounds fairly socialist on a lot of economic issues.

In general he's better live than in studio. Saw him perform a couple times and its definitely a fun, energetic time. But listening to the albums later was just kind of bleh.

I can see the guitar player now. Paine dllok on his face like he's making love to the guitar

I'm there now. In a shitty office job thinking about labor. The appeal is that you just go and do it, then leave at the end of the day. Office work has a way of following you home.

1990 may not have been the wrost year fo rmusic, but it was definitely less than the best. Which as it turns out, is a felony.

Well, dude did get a lot of tail, at least for a geek.


I was doing the "bow bow bow" on the way to work this morning.

Hopefully Food Inc. can make this list soon.

Missed the first 3 episodes this season, but DVRed the rest. Where can I see the first 3, other than iTunes?

Apparently that doesn't apply anymore, since a bottle needs to bought in MI to be eligible for the deposit return. On the other hand, when I was crashing at a friend's place in Detroit, we just left our empty beer bottles behind as 'payment.'

New question: Hoffs in 1986 or Gordon in 1996?

Hotter Hewish Rock chick?: Hoffs, or Nina Gordon?


As long as the tour doesn't impeded their efforts to preserve old buildings.

As long as the tour doesn't impeded their efforts to preserve old buildings.

Is he? I heard a rumor once that he actually converted to Catholicism for Anne Bancroft. yet he still makes Jewish jokes. Like a reverse Tim Watley.