
Trudeau obviously knew he was full of shit; in fact, most Canadians know he’s full of shit on this - Canadian media have been covering it ever since 45* started spouting off about the imaginary trade deficit during the campaign. No biggie, just the idiot being the idiot.

Do any airlines let people buy a seat for their pet. Obviously, the pet would be in a carrier and be a reasonable size. Why don’t some airlines have a pet section that isn’t in with cargo, but just like first class but pet class.

The Philadelphia School District sent out a similar letter, saying basically that no students would be punished for walking out and it’s important for kids to be be part of these protests. My kids’ middle school walked out and the principal took pictures and posted them on social media (in a good way!). Philly has a

So I used to work as a vet tech and every animal that flies has to get paperwork from their vet stating they’re up to date with vaccines and they’ve been examined (most airlines require an exam within 2-3 weeks of travel, for international travel it’s often more like 5-10days prior) and have been determined to be able

A quick internet search tells me that not only does United carry way more animals than other airlines, but that United checks dogs and cats and also rabbits and household birds, which most other airlines refuse. They also will transport brachycephalic dog breeds, which most other airlines refuse. So I’m sure that has

United also just accidentally sent a German Shepherd to Japan instead of Kansas but fortunately it survived.

The constant ending of his tweets with an exclamation point is so fucking annoying. I read it as FAKE. Bullshit. I know this because I recently realized that I do the same on my Instagram most of the time, which is sadly just a way for me to be like I’M DOING GREAT EVERYONE. When really I’m dying inside.

Every fucking time one of these assholes complains about obstructing judges I want to punch Mitch McConnell in his smug doughy face

Just a PSA for anyone wishing to retain sanity and good feelings about today’s walk out - DO NOT READ ANY COMMENTS. You will be baffled at the awful things people are saying about these young people. Hold firm, keep these good vibes and move forward with them - DO NOT READ THE COMMENTS.

In a now deleted tweet, Trump tweeted about the Marine “Core” and not the Marine Corps. It was deleted and replaced with the corrected spelling, but President Bone Spurs got DRAGGED as a result:

The fact that these russia loving, humanity hating, classless, cultureless, chinless, dickless, spineless, Garland Merrick blocking, scheming, semi-sentient, greedy blobs of shit with horrible HORRIBLE fitting skin suits have the gall to call anyone else in the entirety of Democracy obstructionist fills me with so

Peak Trump.

To anyone who wants to say that the kids just wanted to skip class, schools in Boston had a snow day and kids went to city hall anyway.

It’s too bad the adults can’t put the same effort into not letting assholes get guns that they do into punishing the kids they shoot for protesting.

I fervently hope that every single person or school administrator who did anything to punish these kids has their actions dragged out into the open and crushed under the weight of public outrage. THIS is what democracy looks like, you cowardly fuckers. (Sorry. Feelin’ a bit testy about this.)

This dude and his unbuttoned shirt, bahaha. I’d probably hate-fuck him, tho. Ugh, I hate myself.

Something about guys who unbutton their shirts really far down like this, alarms me. It screams; “Do not date..he is everyone he has ever wanted. No room, no room!”

“The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement,”

Oh fuck you, Jorf Shosher, asshole racist Keebler elf looking ass backwards fuck head.

Trump’s budget proposal for 2019 adds $7 trillion to the deficit and eliminates the Corporation for Public Broadcasting,