
What's weird for me is that I remember the '90s with crystal clarity but the '00s are just a formless blur. I wonder if that's true for other X-ers

Starwars McStarwarsface

Georgelucas McLucasface

Ewok McEwokface

There's no way these are real

I haven't read the article.

You missed one: UHF!

I'm late to the convo! Is Adam Sandler still a thing? Thank you!

I saw Supernova play this song, Chewbacca, live, in 1994, and my life has been better ever since.

I mis-commented. What I mean to say was I think they got the title of this article wrong. I think the title was supposed to be "THE STAR WARS PREQUELS DESERVE YOUR HATRED". There I fixed it for you. I'll send you a bill.

I haven't even read this article and I know it's bullshit

this. is. the. first. time i've. heard. of. this. so. called. fat. jew. and. i'm. jewish. and. all. jews. know. each. other. so. what's. up. with. that.




sike, "EFFECT"


Wait! Hold the presses! DELETE THIS ARTICLE. The real takeaway is that ADAM SANDLER IS THE 5TH HIGHEST PAID ACTOR??

What the motherfucking fuck, AV club commenters? All you can fucking go on about is the calculator line? For fucks sake in a fuckstick.